President Zardari, PM Shehbaz & Chairman Senate Gillani vow to continue extending full moral, diplomatic & political support to the just struggle of people of J&K

ISLAMABAD, August 04 (SABAH): President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif and Chairman Senate Makhdoom Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani have said that Pakistan, for its part, will continue to extend full moral, diplomatic and political support to the just struggle of the people of Jammu and Kashmir for realization of their inalienable right to self-determination, as enshrined in the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. They said that India would not succeed in suppressing the just struggle of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) through domestic legislation and judicial verdicts. They said that the history has proven, time and again, that durable peace in South Asia remains contingent upon the settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

This was stated by President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif and Chairman Senate Makhdoom Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani in their messages on the occasion of “Youm-e-Istehsal” being observed tomorrow (Monday).

President Asif Ali Zardari said that today marks the completion of five years of India’s latest campaign to consolidate its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir. On this day, five years ago, India took a number of unilateral and unlawful steps in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) to undermine its internationally recognised disputed status.

He said that since 5 August 2019, India has embarked upon a ceaseless campaign to alter the demographic structure and political landscape of IIOJK. Issuing domicile certificates to outsiders, registering temporary residents in the voters’ lists, gerrymandering assembly constituencies, and modifying land and property ownership laws are some of the key features of this campaign. All these measures are in blatant violation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions and international law, including the 4th Geneva Convention.

President Asif Ali Zardari said that the continued presence of hundreds of thousands of Indian troops has turned IIOJK into one of the most heavily militarized zones in the world. The gross human rights violations in IIOJK have been documented extensively and condemned globally. The mistreatment of Kashmiri journalists and human rights defenders has further revealed India’s willingness to go to any lengths to silence dissenting voices.

He said that India’s actions since 5 August 2019 demonstrate complete disregard for international law, the aspirations of the Kashmiri people, and the UN Security Council resolutions. India would not succeed in suppressing the just struggle of the people of IIOJK through domestic legislation and judicial verdicts.

He said that for the past seven decades, the Kashmiris have waited for the United Nations to fulfill its solemn commitments. It is crucial that the international community urges India to end its human rights violations in IIOJK and implement the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

He said that Pakistan, for its part, will continue to extend full moral, diplomatic and political support to the just struggle of the people of Jammu and Kashmir for realization of their inalienable right to self-determination, as enshrined in the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.

Meanwhile PM Shehbaz Sharif in his message on Youm-e-Istehsal’ said that the people and Government of Pakistan are observing the Youm-e

Istehsal’, today. This somber occasion reminds us of the grave consequences of India’s illegal actions of 5 August 2019 vis-à-vis Indian Ilegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

He said that on 5 August 2019, India took a series of steps to consolidate its occupation of lIOJK. Ever since, India has been trying to convince the world that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of its territory. However, international law, historical facts, moral principles and the situation on the ground deny India’s baseless claims.

He said that today, in IIOJK, efforts are being made to silence the genuine leadership of the Kashmiri people and muzzle the media. The number of political prisoners remain in thousands, while 14 political organizations have been outlawed. Harassment of innocent people, arbitrary detentions, and the so-called ‘cordon and search operations have become a matter of routine. The Indian forces are operating with impunity, accorded to them under different draconian laws.

“I, however, salute the indomitable courage of the Kashmiri people that has enabled them to withstand every Indian attempt to subjugate them. There is no doubt that India’s coercive methods have failed to diminish their yearning for the realization of their inalienable right to self-determination” PM Shehbaz Sharif said.

He said that the history has proven, time and again, that durable peace in South Asia remains contingent upon the settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. In the interest of lasting peace and security in South Asia, India must move from dispute denial to dispute resolution.

PM Shehbaz Sharif said that the international community must urge India to halt its egregious human rights violations in IIOJK; reverse its unilateral and illegal actions of 5 August 2019; repeal the draconian laws; and implement the UN Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir.

He said that Pakistan will continue to extend its strong moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmi people till the realization of their inalienable right to self determination.

Meanwhile Chairman Senate Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani in his message on Youm-e-Istehsal said that the 5th August would be remembered as a dark day in history when the Indian government unlawfully annulled the special status of Occupied Jammu & Kashmir on this day in 2019 using violent tactics, imposing lockdown and other coercive measures to suppress the local voices.

Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani said that unilaterally altering the internationally recognized disputed status of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) is a clear violation of international laws and covenants which speaks volumes for India’s hegemonic designs. Such acts will never change the facts and undermine the right to self-determination of Kashmiris.

He said that it is now high time for the global community to acknowledge the pain and sufferings of the people of IIOJK and raise voice on humanitarian grounds as humanity is suffering.  Perpetual violence in the occupied valley has totally failed to silence the voices of Kashmiris. Their sacrifices and courage remain unparalleled. Pakistan’s stance on the issue is clear and vocal.     The Indian belligerent postures, violation of the international laws and disregard for the UNSC resolutions continue to pose a threat to the regional peace and stability. Pakistan has raised all these concerns at international level and will continue to extend moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people.

He said that Pakistan wants peace in the region and beyond. Regional peace is directly linked with peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue in accordance with the wishes and aspiration of Kashmiris. Chairman Senate said that the international community needs to play its role and come forward using its influence to mitigate the suffering of the people of the occupied valley and pressurize India to respect the international norms of justice and fair play.