President MAPIM’s role to expose Hindutva regime’s ugly face globally laudable: Mushaal

ISLAMABAD, March 25 (SABAH): The Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organisation, Mushaal Hussein Mullick lauded the role of Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid President the Malaysian Consultative Council for Islamic Organisations Malaysia (MAPIM) for raising voice against the long-denied fundamental and legal rights to Kashmiri people by supremacist Indian government.

Mushaal, spouse of jailed Kashmiri leader Muhammad Yasin Malik, in a statement on Friday said that the President MAPIM is playing praise-worthy role to expose the ugly face of Indian authorities globally which are committing the world’s worst human atrocities in in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

It is pertinent to mention here that the MAPIM called for Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to demonstrate its seriousness in translating the session’s theme of unity and justice especially for the oppressed Muslims in IIOJK.

The organization pressed that ending the Indian occupation of Kashmir can no longer be delayed less the fascist Indian government be allowed to reign on Kashmiris and violate human rights and international laws.

The chairperson urged that the rest of the organizations should demonstrate such courage to highlight the plight of Kashmiris of the occupied valley so as to build pressure on the fascist Indian government to settle the long-pending dispute as per the already agreed UNSC resolutions.

The hurriyat leader said that the world powers and human right organizations are making hues and cries over the Russian attack on Ukraine but they adopted criminal silence over the brutalities and barbarism being committed by Indian forces for the last seven decades in IIOJK.

Mushaal went on to say that the scenic valley has been turned into a garrison city and the world largest open prison where the occupation forces are killing Kashmiri people with impunity.

She further added that senior Kashmiri leadership including her husband Yasin Malik, women and youth have been languishing in Indian notorious jails for several years for their sole crime to raise voice against Indian war crimes in the valley.

The chairperson said that the life of the incarcerated Kashmiri leaders and youth are at great risk since several hurriyat leaders and young Kashmiri freedom fighters have already been tortured to death by Indian forces.

However, she lamented that all these barbarities and inhumaneness being committed by Hindutva regime is too little to shaken the consciousness of the greedy and self-centered world powers and human right organizations to act in order to put a halt on them.

The hurriyat leader demanded that at the time when the UN bodies and the so-called human right organizations are observing criminal silence over Indian forces continuous bloodbath of Kashmiris, the OIC should play a proactive role to press Indian government to resolve the Kashmir issue.

She appealed that the OIC members’ countries should cut diplomatic and trade ties with India to exert pressure on supremacist Hindutva regime to ensure peaceful and perpetual resolution of decades-old dispute which is posing a serious threat to the regional as well world’s peace.