President Alvi expresses need for expeditious signing of mutually agreed upon FTA between Pakistan & Switzerland

ISLAMABAD, June 30 (SABAH): President Dr. Arif Alvi has expressed the need for the expeditious signing of the mutually agreed upon Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Pakistan and Switzerland after taking all stakeholders on board. He added that the FTA would provide a formal framework for enhanced and speedy cooperation in the fields of trade, economy and commerce.
President Dr. Arif Alvi made these remarks while talking to the outgoing Ambassador of Switzerland in Pakistan, Bénédict de Cerjat, who paid a farewell call on him, at Aiwan-e-Sadr on Thursday. 
Talking to the Ambassador, the President said that the world community should take serious notice of the rising Islamophobia and polarization in Indian society. He called upon the international community to take meaningful steps for curbing the incidents of intimidation and terrorization of minorities in India, and violence connected with Islamophobia to mitigate the sufferings of Indian Muslims and other religious minorities.
The President emphasized that refugees originating from any part of the world should be treated with equity and equality and should be extended with facilities and refuge without any discrimination on the basis of colour, creed, race, religion or region. He further urged the need for taking practical steps by the international community to help defuse tensions and unrest in conflict-ridden countries, besides creating enabling conditions for peace to prevent their populations from turning into refugees to reduce the pressure on receiving countries.
The President said that Pakistan could benefit from the Swiss experience in technical education and training in the tourism and hospitality sectors. He hoped that the outgoing Ambassador would work toward realizing the full potential of tourism-related cooperation between the two countries.
The President said that Pakistan valued Switzerland’s long-term partnership with Pakistan in the economy, trade and commerce, and appreciated its contributions towards the socio-economic development of the country as well as the humanitarian assistance provided by Switzerland.
The President felicitated the outgoing Ambassador on completing a successful tenure in Pakistan and appreciated his efforts for the promotion of bilateral relations between the two countries, especially in promoting a soft image of Pakistan through social media.
It is worth mentioning that Switzerland is the sixth-largest investor in Pakistan in the fields of food processing, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and engineering sectors.
Meanwhile President Dr. Arif Alvi on Thursday felicitated The Aga Khan on the 65th anniversary of accession to the Imamat of the Ismaili Community.
The president, in a letter addressed to The Aga Khan, the president said that under his visionary leadership, the community and the institutions of the Aga Khan Development Network continued to make invaluable contribution to the social and economic development of Pakistan, which had established an unparalleled legacy of public service and philanthropy.
He said that the people of Pakistan joined him in conveying their profound appreciation and gratitude for his tireless work for the uplift of the most vulnerable in society.
President Alvi prayed that Almighty Allah may grant him the strength and inspiration to continue his exemplary service to the Ummah.