Preparing for the next Olympics …. Talat Masood

Pakistan’s abysmal performance during the ongoing Paris Olympic Games should be an eye opener for us. A country with 240 million people, globally the sixth largest in population, is unable to earn a single medal, gold or silver in any event. It is no surprise as it fielded a small contingent to participate in three or four events to remain relevant and to satisfy the sports lobby with no expectation or ambition to excel in any field. A general sense of despondency prevails all over and that is equally manifest in the field of sports and athletics. There are other factors too for the low standing.

Athletes need facilities for improving their performance and remain competitive. Gymnasiums, racing tracks and coaching by professional trainers are a prerequisite for athletes to be able to face the rigours of tough competition and enhanced global standards. Pakistan is weak in most of these areas and is likely to remain so in the near future due to the indifference shown by the leadership toward sports. It is the responsibility of the provincial government and local administration to ensure that facilities for sports are available and funds allocated are properly utilised.

As in other fields of human activity sports has undergone a phenomenal change globally. With greater opportunities and significant improvement and expansion of infrastructure a higher percentage of people are participating in sports and games. Moreover, the lure of money and personal publicity and fame has been a strong incentive. Those who especially excel in their particular games, be it tennis, golf or cricket, turn millionaires at a relatively young age prefer to retire or open academies, training institutes or pursue other activities. Another factor which has contributed significantly to raising the standard and quality of sports is the impact of technology and the publicity it gets. Several radio and TV channels are dedicated to sports. People, especially the younger ones, idealise sportsmen who achieve distinction. The greater participation of women has given another dimension to boost sports.


Advancement in medical science and its contribution to improving the health of sportsmen has been another critical factor in raising standards. A greater understanding of how the body functions and what factors contribute toward enhancing performance has been an important element in this race toward excellence. The government and sports organisations should pay greater attention to the health and well-being of the players. Interestingly, technology is playing a critical role in the advancement of sports. Olympic athletes can be measured at one-millionth of a second or a micro second. It has made the races more competitive and given rise to a deep inbuilt desire on part of athletes to break records even if it be for a few micro seconds. For a better perspective of this phenomenal progress, we need to remind ourselves that it takes 300 to 400 microseconds for an eye to blink.

There are additional factors that are giving a big boost to quality sports. Infrastructural development and availability of adequate funds is essential in the holding of these events. This in turn significantly raises the profile of the city to promote tourism and support the economy of the country. Paris, which is hosting the present Olympics, has an incredible charm and famous historical legacy that keeps it flooded with tourists. The holding of the recent Olympics will give it an additional boost. My experience has been that the ability to speak French is a great advantage as the Parisians appreciate those who do, as not many are familiar or at ease with English.

Participating in regional and international sports events does contribute significantly to raising standards of athlete’s performance. It gives a boost to the urge to compete and excel. Rich and affluent countries are better placed to attain higher standards in sports because of athletes having access to better training facilities and greater government support.

If Pakistan is serious in participating in the next athletic meet than it should start training its sportsmen from now. It should focus on three or four field events where it considers it has the potential to make a mark. What is critical is that there should be adequate facilities for the events within the country. Athletes have to be looked after and initially incentives should be provided for spectators to witness national events. The presence of an appreciable audience is good for the morale of the sportsmen. Security of local and foreign players is critical specially in Pakistan because of the prevailing disturbed conditions in border areas. The government is generally conscious of its responsibilities yet incidents of terror attacks on sports venues have occurred. Security concerns have been a major factor in discouraging foreign athletes and sports teams to visit Pakistan. This places the local athletes at a disadvantage.

If Pakistan’s leadership is serious to promote athletics and making sport events popular and economically sustainable, it is important to link the venues that also could be attractive tourist destinations. And by ensuring that visitors are facilitated in visiting these resorts. It is, however, disconcerting that Pakistan despite the charm of several tourist places has failed to attract sufficient tourists. There are several contributing factors for this failure. First and foremost is the security situation, although most of the tourist spots are considered safe and free of terrorist activity. But the general reputation and incidents of militant attacks and activity in parts of the country soils the country’s image and discourages tourists. Surge of militant activity in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan has dampened tourism and curtailed visit of foreign delegations and businessmen with adverse impact on the economy. There is too much at stake if the security situation remains volatile in the country. More effective measures to counter militancy with greater collaboration between the provinces and federal security agencies is critical in countering hostile forces.

Allocation of adequate resources, availability of training facilities and providing an environment that is generally safe for own and foreign participants should prepare our athletes to participate in the next World Olympics.

Courtesy Express Tribune