Posters stresses upon Jammu people to foil Hindutva’s agenda of snatching their rights

SRINAGAR, April 13 (SABAH): Posters carrying an appeal to the people of Jammu region in occupied Jammu and Kashmir have emerged at various places in the territory, urging them to wake up and foil BJP-RSS’ evil agenda of usurping their rights.

According to media reports, the posters pasted by Jammu Dogra Liberation Front have appeared at different places in Jammu region and on social media platforms as a form of protest against India’s brutal and anti-Jammu policies.

The posters read, “Since August 2019, the BJP/RSS has stripped away our rights. We vehemently oppose all BJP/RSS agendas. Our rights, land, and identity are being illegally seized”.

The posters further said the RSS/BJP’s policies in Jammu are seeking to expel the Jammuites from their land and settling outsiders using so-called domicile certificates, thereby altering the demographic composition of the territory with the assistance of Indian armed forces and police.

The posters said, “Outsiders are being settled in Jammu and are dominating government services”, adding that the BJP/RSS government is depriving the people of Jammu of their resources. The poster said, “We demand the reinstatement of our state subject and Articles 370/35A”.

The posters urged people to stand firm for their rights and speak against the anti-Jammu agendas of the BJP/RSS.