Political leadership must come to the table to pull the country out of prevailing crisis: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, Nov 08 (SABAH): Jamaat-i-Islami Pakistan Emir Sirajul Haq has said prevailing political crisis multiplies the problems of common man.

In a statement issued from Mansoorah on Tuesday, Sirajul Haq said the rulers were least worried about the masses. The prices of basic commodities went up to the level that majority of people could not afford buying them, he said.

Besides poverty, inflation and unemployment, he said, the gas shortage crisis during the current winter season was also feared to grip the country badly as the governments paid least attention toward exploring the local resources and there was no money in national exchequer to import it in view of widening gap between demand and supply from next month.

Sirajul Haq said political leadership must come to the table to pull the country out of prevailing crisis. The fighting among politicians and their irresponsible attitude, he said, brought four martial laws in the past. The country, he added, could no longer afford the mishaps.

Holding the incumbent and previous government responsible to the plight of public, he said they all brought the economy on the verge of collapse, weakening the institutions and damaging the accountability. He said it had been proved both the PDM and the PTI failed to deliver despite ruling over country for years and years. Their policies were to get loans and spend them on their own welfare instead of public benefit, he added.

Sirajul Haq said the youth of the country should raise voice against corrupt system and status quo. He said Islamic system provided solution to the all problems. He said the experiences of so-called western democracy failed to deliver in Pakistan as the country was freed in the name of Islam and Islam was needed to fix its all predicament. He said the fate of the country was in the hands of the nation. He said there was a need to get rid of the waderas, feudal lords and corrupt capitalists through peaceful democratic way.