Political crisis is a reason behind country’s devastation: Liaqat Baloch 

Hyderabad, April 25 (SABAH): Naib Emir Jamaat-e-Islami, Liaqat Baloch has said that political crisis is a reason behind devastation and  has ruined economy as well as businesses in the country.

Liaqat Baloch expressed these views during an eid millan party at Hyderabad. He further said that popular leadership cannot resolve the issues which are being faced by the country at present. 

He was of the view that the leadership which threw the country into a number of crisis due to its ego and stubbornness cannot put the country’s politics as well as Parliament in the right direction and added it could not sort out issues being faced by the masses too.

Leadership which is a pawn into the hands of the establishment has held the politics as well as Parliament hostage, he said. He further said that Israeli forces have been inflicting multiple inflictions upon the worshippers in Masjid Al-Aqsa since long. 

Expressing concerns over the plight of Kashmiris in the occupied valley of Jammu and Kashmir, he deplored that fascist Modi government tortured them while putting their leadership in the jails. 

He furthered the masses enjoy the right to vote but current political leadership of Pakistan while taking assistance from the establishment has dented the respect of this right as they are pawns in the hands of establishment, saying only honest leadership as well as Islamic System was solution to all such issues being confronted by this land of ours.