Policies of the ruling elite to target middle-class & poor and save their own skin would no longer sustain: Hafiz Naeemur Rehman

LAHORE, June 14 (SABAH): Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Emir Engineer Hafiz Naeemur Rehman has said that the policies of the ruling elite to target middle-class and poor and save their own skin would no longer sustain.

Talking to party leaders and media at Mansoorah on Friday, Hafiz Naeemur Rehman declared the budget as anti-people and pro-IMF document, highlighting the need to get rid-of the interest-based economy.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehman said the government claim for bringing down inflation was contrary to the ground situation. He expressed fear the prices of basis commodities go further high following massive increase in petroleum levy. He said the government has no plan to enhance the tax net as it targeted the salaried class, proposing further unjustified taxes for them. Over 52 percent of government revenue, he said, would go straight for the loan payment. He said the powerful business owners and feudal lords were not answerable to anyone and pay almost least amount as compared to small business owners and salaried persons. The ruling elite, he said, was indulged in looting of national resources and parking their wealth in foreign accounts. He demanded money trail from the people named in Dubai leaks. He said the ruling parties stole mandate and failed to fix economy despite claims. He said the youth was desperate and disappointed, leaving the country. He said the rulers have no plan for the betterment of education, health and IT sectors. He said over three million children were out of schools due to poverty and ill-conceived policies of the rulers.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehman said the JI would expand its Bano Qabil program and provide training to youth across Pakistan. He appealed to the youth to be part of the JI and start struggle from the party platform to put the country on track and get rid of the corrupt rulers. He said the JI would launch a mass mobilization for the rights of the people after Eid-ul-Adha.

Hafiz Naeemur Rehman expressed concern over the rise of street crime and target killing of youth in Karachi. He held the PPP, MQM and PML-N equally responsible for the crimes in the port city, saying the trio is running the country in form of PDM-II without mandate. He vowed the JI would fight the case of Karachi and people of Pakistan.