PM Shehbaz vows to abolish all institutions, ministries & departments that have become a burden on the exchequer

ISLAMABAD, June 15 (SABAH): Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has vowed to abolish all institutions, ministries and departments that have become a burden on the exchequer, saying that this move alone will save tax payers’ billions of rupees and put the country on the path of prosperity.

“The abolishment of all ministries and department which, instead of serving [nation], have become a burden on the masses is indispensable,” the Premier Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif stated while addressing the nation on Saturday.

“When we came to power, the economic conditions at that time were evident to everyone, and we saved the country from default,” the premier said.

The PM gave credit to the last Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) alliance and the top leaders of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) including President Asif Ali Zardari and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari for pulling the country out of difficult economic situation.

Appreciating his government’s prudent economic policies, PM Shehbaz Sharif said the country was now moving on a path of progress after coming out of economic difficulties.

“However, this way is not only difficult and long but also requires sacrifice from higher-ups in the government and the elite. The entire nation’s eyes are set on the government to see how it steers Pakistan out of the economic crisis and brings about a revolution of prosperity in the country,” he added.

PM Shehbaz Sharif said that since he retook the reins of the country with the help of people’s support in form of votes and trust, inflation had dropped to 12% from 38% as a result of the government’s policies.

Similarly, he said, that the interest rate on loans had been slashed to 20.5% from previous 22%. “This would promote investment and the country would walk down the path of prosperity at a greater pace,” PM Shehbaz Sharif said.

PM Shehbaz Sharif then referred to the latest petrol and diesel price cuts as a “relief” to the inflation-hit masses. He, however, admitted that these steps were still not enough amid “storm of inflation” during the last four years that “broke the backbone” of poor class.

PM Shehbaz Sharif promised the nation to take further measures to keep providing relief to them and bringing down the inflation, expand investments and provide opportunities of higher education to the youngsters.

PM Shehbaz Sharif said that he promises that the dream of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and those who laid sacrifices in the making of this country will come true if the entire nation unites on this point that we have to end our personal hatred and ego and rise above the personal interest to serve the poor and destitute.

“We are not only serious about making Quaid’s dream true but also assure the nation that no difficulty would be an obstacle in our way if we work hard and keep the sentiment of sacrifice and selflessness alive,” he added.

The prime minister said: “Lamenting the past serves no purpose; instead, we must learn from it to reclaim Pakistan’s lost glory.” He emphasised the commitment to realising the vision of Quaid-e-Azam, saying that with a spirit of sacrifice and dedication, “no one can impede our progress.”

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said the government is making practical efforts to provide maximum relief to the people in the face of inflation. He said reduction in inflation and policy rate will promote investment and businesses in the country.

During his address, the Prime Minister sent Eidul Azha wishes to the nation and commented on the rising death toll in the Gaza conflict, which has reached 40,000. “Such devastating visuals have never been seen before,” he said.

He also spoke about the situation in Kashmir, stating, “The valley is covered in the blood of our Kashmiri brothers and sisters.” He prayed for the progress and liberation of Kashmir.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said the economic situation in 2022 was evident to everyone, as Pakistan was saved from defaulting, crediting PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif for this achievement. “We delivered on our promises… Pakistan is on the road to progress and development now,” he said. He acknowledged that the road ahead is not only long and difficult but also demands sacrifices from both government personnel and the salaried class. He vowed to bring a revolution of progress and development in Pakistan.

“After being elected in February, thanks to your vote, our efforts have resulted in a drop in inflation from 38%, which is a welcome and significant development,” he said. He added that the interest rate has also been reduced from 22% to 20%, which will help trade and commerce flourish in the country.

“This is the progress of the last three and a half months,” he said, noting that 100 days of the government have been completed.

“I have just returned from China, a brother nation to us. Deals worth millions of dollars have been made. I also visited the UAE, where millions of dollars were pledged. Interim PM Anwarul Haq Kakar and COAS syed Asim Munir have met with them as well. These deals are finalised, and the groundwork has been laid for these trade relations to develop and prosper in the coming years. However, we must ensure that internal economic activity is thriving first.

“We boast numerous economic and industrial giants. We need the capacity and expertise that is currently lacking in the country. But in these three months, capacity has been introduced, and progress is being made.

“The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) is being 100% digitalised. We have started bridging gaps. Incompetent personnel in the FBR have been sidelined, and more capable individuals have been brought in. This year, we have seen a 30% increase in revenue collection.

“In the coming year, the targets set are challenging, but we will collectively work towards them and eliminate gaps. I have informed foreign nations that I am here for trade relations, not to ask for loans. I believe this is how Pakistan will break the debt cycle.

“There are examples worldwide where nations have only approached the IMF once and learned their lesson, [such as India]. We have gone to the IMF 24-25 times. Inshallah, this will be the last IMF programme in Pakistan’s history. We will stand on our feet and surpass our neighbouring countries in economic activity.”

The premier recounted how the coalition government of the Pakistan Democratic Movement had taken the reins of power in April 2022 and saved the country from default. He credited the leaders of the coalition and its allies for the achievement, mentioning Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl chief Fazlur Rehman as well.

“Today, Pakistan is steadily getting out of economic difficulties and moving towards the path of development and prosperity.”

He said the journey ahead was not only difficult and long but also demanded “sacrifice” from the elites and government functionaries. “The whole nation’s gaze is focused on the government and how we will bring a revolution of prosperity in the country by ending its economic troubles.”

PM Shehbaz Sharif said since the PML-N had assumed control of the government again after the February 8 elections and he was re-elected as the premier, inflation had dropped to 12 per cent due to the government’s efforts, terming it a “positive change”.

Similarly, he said the interest rate was slashed to 20pc from 22pc and this would promote investment in the country and reduce the burden of loan interest on the country. Shehbaz Sharif said 100 days had passed of the incumbent government and pointed out Friday’s slashes in the prices of petroleum products, saying it would afford “some relief” to the people from inflation.

“This I think is not enough,” he said, adding that there were great expectations of further relief for the people from the current economic indicators so far. He said the government would strive to further reduce inflation, promote business and investment and provide education to the country’s youth.

“I think crying over the past will achieve nothing but we should learn a lesson from its mistakes about what we lost in the past and how we will restore Pakistan its lost status by making up for those mistakes.”

He said if the whole nation decided to bury personal ego and interest in pursuit of serving the poor then “I can assure you very soon that stage will come of which Quaid-i-Azam and all those who migrated during partition dreamt of.”

The prime minister said it was the first duty of the government to reduce lavish expenses and close departments and ministries not related to public service such as the Pakistan Public Works Department, saying it was included among those institutions that were infamous for corruption.

He said a ministerial committee was made to deliberate on the issue of such redundant ministries and departments, saying he would bring positive results in the next two months and all such departments which had become a burden on the country and its people would be shut down. “I think this is a step that will save billions.”

Mentioning his recent trips to the Middle East and China, he said commitments for investment were secured and the government had devised a road map to benefit from and implement the agreements.

The premier said the environment also needed to be made conducive for domestic investment before any foreign investment.

The prime minister vowed that once the nation strictly followed through on a likely upcoming programme with the International Monetary Fund and the government achieved its targets, then the upcoming programme would hopefully be the last one in the country’s history. “We will then stand on our own feet and leave our neighbours behind in the race towards progress.”

PM Shehbaz Sharif said 300,000 Pakistani students would be trained by China in information technology every year and the sector would be further promoted in the country.