Pink Eye in Karachi amid pharma mess… Durr-E-Shahwar Siddiqui

It is the utmost truth that one cannot completely control the health conditions arising due to weather, but the education of the public regarding the possible control of epidemic spread and a sufficient supply of medications are the two important factors that must be implemented by the government.

The inflammation of the transparent membrane lining the inner part of the eyelid and white portion of the eye is called Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye. This infection may be viral, bacterial or allergic in type, depending upon the causative agent. The city of Karachi is currently facing a continuous inclined trend in the cases of Conjunctivitis. The obvious reasons for these increased cases of Pink Eye seem to be poor sanitation, weather conditions and lack of precautionary measures by the infected individuals. Although the recent scenario of Conjunctivitis gives the glimpse of an epidemic, but the uncontrolled spread of it throughout the city is majorly due to the lack of authentic information regarding this eye condition among the public. Most people either opt for home remedies or neglect this condition, leading to the worsening of this disease. Also, patients turn deaf when they are instructed to cover their eyes in order to prevent the transmission of this contagious infection to healthy individuals. On the one side where the outpatient departments of healthcare centres and hospitals are occupied by Pink Eye patients, there are a plenty of the affected individuals forcibly trying to seek self-medication for Conjunctivitis at pharmacies in Karachi.

The scarce supply of ophthalmic drops and ointments by pharmaceutical industries is another problem faced by the public nowadays. It is a time when the demand for eye drops and eye ointments has exceeded its manufacturing. The pharmaceutical industries are trying harder to fulfil the demands of required medications, but they are themselves facing a shortage of sufficient raw materials for the manufacture of the desired medications. The price hikes on medications, affected imports, the devalued currency as well as dollar shortages in Pakistan gave rise to this pharmaceutical mess. Those eye drops or eye ointments that were effective, cheaper in price and affordable for public in previous times are now beyond their reach and pocket.

Healthcare professionals are helpless despite their endeavours to provide medicinal solace to the Pink Eye patients. There is an extreme outage of the affected people due to expensive as well as out of supply medications during this Conjunctivitis spread in Karachi. Some patients cannot afford physicians fees for eye examination and move to pharmacies to seek self-medication. Such people become more offended when pharmacists refuse to provide them with self-medications for this infectious eye condition to prevent them from health hazards and side effects. Others are infuriated when they visit the physicians or ophthalmic consultant for eye examination, obtain a valid prescription and then they are unable to get their required ophthalmic medication due to inefficient supply. This Pink Eye infection is also psychologically distressing the public because it takes a week or two to lower the symptoms of Pink Eye infection, which affects their schedule.

It is a need of time that the affiliated healthcare departments of government forecast the healthcare budget properly to combat such health calamities efficiently. Healthcare programs must be organised, especially in the rural areas, to educate the public through the media about the precautions and general treatment options, such as icing the eyes and over-the-counter pain-killers, etc. It must be realised that Karachi is Pakistans trading hub and such contagious infections or allergies affect the routine, mobility, education and work of individuals. The education for personal hygiene, sanitation, cleanliness of the environment and routine healthcare camps for public must be ensured by the government.

Courtesy The Express Tribune