PIMA strongly condemns the arrest of Professor Dr. Zulfiqar Ali & Dr. Saima of Ayub Medical Complex

ISLAMABAD, June 26 (SABAH): The Pakistan Islamic Medical Association (PIMA) has strongly condemned the arrest of Professor Dr. Zulfiqar Ali and Dr. Saima of Ayub Medical Complex. A PIMA delegation met with the detained Professor Zulfiqar Ali on Tuesday and assured him of all possible support from the medical community. PIMA stated that the inquiry commission has not proven any negligence on the part of the doctors, yet the doctors are continuously being harassed, and today, the bail of highly senior doctors was canceled and they were arrested, which is extremely shameful and disappointing.

In a joint statement, PIMA Central President Dr. Abdul Aziz Memon, Vice President Dr. Muhammad Qasim, and PIMA Khyber Pakhtunkhwa President Dr. Fakhr Alam said that a baseless case has been registered against the senior professor of the eye department, Dr. Zulfiqar Ali. We demand an independent and fair investigation and believe that the government and administration should ensure the respect, dignity, and rights of doctors. Targeting senior doctors under the pretext of someone else’s incompetence is unacceptable. The government and judiciary should conduct transparent and independent investigations into this incident. PIMA and other doctors’ organizations are united against this injustice, wrongful arrest, and mistreatment of senior doctors, and they reserve the right to hold nationwide protests.

PIMA Vice President Dr. Muhammad Qasim, PIMA Abbottabad President Dr. Atif Hamid, and Dr. Basharat Rehman met with the detained Professor Zulfiqar Ali on Tuesday.