Persons involved in HR violations in occupied Kashmir should not be given impunity, Ali Raza Syed asks a high ranking European Official

BRUSSELS, June 14 (SABAH): Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Ali Raza Syed has asked a high ranking European Official that the persons involved in human rights abuses in the Indian illegal occupied Kashmir (IIOC) should not be given impunity at all.

Chair of KC-EU talked to Marie Arena, the Chair of Human Rights Sub-Committee of European parliament after a press conference at the EU Parliament in Brussels on Tuesday.

Ali Raza Syed updated the EU official about the latest situation of human rights in occupied Kashmir and urged that the Indian personnel involved in violations of human rights of the oppressed people of Kashmir should not be exempted at all while they should be punished through fair judicial trial. Answering to Ali Raza Syed, the Chair of the Subcommittee Marie Arena said, we are totally not in favor of the impunity in all over the world.

Pierantonio PANZERI, Chair of Fight Impunity organization who is former chair of human rights sub-committee of EU parliament and Etienne BASSOT, Director Members’ European Parliament Research Service (EPRS) were also present on the occasion.

Ali Raza Syed also urged the European authorities to use their good offices for early release of Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik, noted Human rights activist Khurram Parvez and other illegally detained Kashmiris by Indian authorities.

Chair of KC-EU said, Muhammad Yasin Malik has been recently sentenced to life imprisonment on fake charges and his life is in danger in the Indian jail. It is also possible that Indian government may increase his sentence. His mistake is that he is struggling for the freedom of the people of Kashmir. the human rights defender Khurram Parvez is also detained on false allegations because he prepared true reports of human rights violations in occupied Kashmir in the recent years.

Ali Raza Syed also handed over a letter to Marie Arena and other European officials on the occasion. The letter reveals, how Indian security forces abuse the human rights in the Indian occupied Kashmir. The letter asked international community including Europe to prevent human rights violations in the occupied Kashmir. Exposing the brief story of human rights violations in occupied Kashmir, the letter explained how India denied right to self determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. A large number of the Indian army and paramilitary forces are deployed in order to implement black laws and these forces committing the human rights violations by use of these inhuman laws in the occupied Valley.

The letter also mentioned EU parliament resolution of 2008 for condemning the mass killings identified by the mass graves discovered in the occupied Kashmir and UN High commissioner for human rights’ report of 2019 on human rights violations in the occupied Kashmir. The letter further said, the severe situation additionally erupted after the Indian act for revoking of special status of Jammu and Kashmir by removal of 370 and 35A from the Indian constitution.