People of Occupied Kashmir protest against installation of pre-paid & smart electricity meters

SRINAGAR, Sep 7 (SABAH): Several protest demonstrations were held on Thursday at different places against the installation of pre-paid and smart electricity meters and some of them took march from Gandhi Nigar to Gurdwara Sahib. 

According to media reports, people took out march and raised slogans against political representatives and members of the Parliament as noted that they had failed in representing the masses. They also protested against the installation of the smart meters. The protest was held against the power department demanding restriction on the installation of the pre-paid meters.

The protestors were carrying play cards and banners inscribed with the slogans against the government of India and installation of small meters. They were of the view that despite the fact the people expressed their concerns, the occupying administration continued its non-serious attitude while trying to silence the voice of the people objecting to the installation of the meters.