Pak HC in South Africa Mazhar Javed urges int’l community to play its role in fulfilling its commitment to the Kashmiri people

PRETORIA, Feb 04 (SABAH): A seminar on “Human Rights Dimension of Jammu Kashmir Dispute” was held at the Pakistan High Commission, Pretoria on Friday in connection with the Kashmir Solidarity Day, being observed today (Saturday). Solidarity Day is observed every year to show solidarity with the people in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu Kashmir (IIOJK) who are struggling for their right to self determination enshrined in several United Nations Security Council Resolutions.

Programme was attended by a large number of participants from all walks of life, politicians, professors, senior journalists, diplomats, civil society activists and representatives of Kashmiri diaspora. Messages of solidarity by many dignitaries, who could not join the event in person, were screened on the occasion. Participants expressed their unwavering support for the oppressed Kashmiri people in their just struggle for freedom from Indian occupation. They highlighted the challenge that this long outstanding dispute posed to peace in South Asia, and beyond.

On the occasion, High Commission released a special documentary highlighting human rights violations being faced by the Kashmiri people in IIOJK. The video highlighted the Jammu Massacre, discovery of several thousand unmarked graves and use of pellet guns by the Indian forces against innocent Kashmiris.

High Commissioner Mazhar Javed urged the international community to play its role in fulfilling its commitment to the Kashmiri people, made through UN resolutions assuring them of their right to self-determination.