PAC hints at giving Supreme Court’s Registrar Ishrat Ali a last change to appear before it

ISLAMABAD, May 23 (SABAH): The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on Tuesday said that it is giving last chance to the Registrar of Supreme Court Ishrat Ali to appear before the Parliament’s accountability body in connection with sharing the details courts accounts and conveyed a message to the Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Umar Ata Bandial on the matter.

During the PAC meeting, Ministry of Law and Justice and Auditor General of Pakistan have endorsed the statement of deputy registrar of Supreme Court and apex court’s accounts were being regularly examined. Deputy registrar made it clear that no audit para is pending and that all the matters had been resolved. 

PAC meeting held here on Tuesday with its Chairman Noor Alam Khan in the chair to review the financial affairs of the top court from the fiscal year 2010-11 to 2020-21.

During the meeting, PAC member Sheikh Rohale Asghar while accusing the chairman committee over adopting dual standards on the issue of non-participation of registrar Supreme Court.

In the PAC meeting, chief secretaries and IGs of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab were directed that private parties should be stop on the issue of digging out the gold and that proceedings in connection with lease must be done.

In Punjab, gold was found at Attock by a private contractor and locals. The chairman committee told the committee members that some locals sent him a video in this regard.

During the meeting, Supreme Courts accounts issues came under observation. The committee was also briefed about the dams’ funds.

Chairman of the Committee Noor Alam Khan said that parliaments also examine accounts of army, Ministry of Defense and even the purchase of missiles. He further said that they were not directing the Registrar Supreme Court of Pakistan for disrespecting him and just want that he should present court’s accounts details in the light of Constitution.

He further said that PAC was not supposed to call the chief justice of Pakistan and that it does not fall in their job to do so. He added they don’t want a clash with the Supreme Court. He clarified in India and America, the legislators regularly check the accounts of their supreme courts.