Over 60 thousand volunteers working shoulder to shoulder with Alkhidmat Foundation to serve the suffering humanity: Prof. Dr. Hafeezur Rehman

LAHORE, June 17 (SABAH): President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Professor Dr. Hafeezur Rehman has said that over 60 thousand volunteers are working shoulder to shoulder with Alkhidmat Foundation to serve the suffering humanity.

Under the Volunteer Program of Alkhidamt Foundation, three-day long training workshop was organized at the Alkhidmat Complex in Lahore. The purpose of the training workshop was to create awareness among the volunteers about the latest techniques of serving the suffering humanity and to give them new targets. The three-day long workshop was attended by regional office-bearers of Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan and a large number of volunteers of the Alkhidmat Volunteer Program. The volunteers were given new targets and strategy to expand the volunteerism network to 1 million was also reviewed during the training workshop.

At the end of the workshop, the special guest of the ceremony Professor Dr.  Hafeezur Rehman in his address said that that over 60 thousand volunteers filled with the vigor of serving the humanity are working shoulder to shoulder with Alkhidmat Foundation and their number is increasing with the passage of everyday. He said that in case of any natural calamity in Pakistan, the volunteers of Alkhidmat Foundation are present at forefront for the service of their distressed brothers and sisters.

Professor Dr.  Hafeezur Rehman said that the purpose of organizing the workshop was to unite the youth filled with the vigor of the suffering humanity at the one platform and also inform them that how they could serve the suffering humanity while remaining in their own fields. He said that the increasing trend in youth towards volunteerism is welcoming. At the end of the ceremony certificates were also distributed among the participants.