Our struggle will continue until the end of Indian occupation & achievement of right to self-determination: Ghulam Muhammad Safi

MUZAFFARABAD, June 25 (SABAH): All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Kashmir and Pakistan chapter Convener Ghulam Mohammad Safi has said that Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed area.

Addressing a press conference in Muzaffarabad, Ghulam Mohammad Safi said that on August 5, 2019, the Indian government committed illegal acts. He said their struggle will continue until the end of Indian occupation, and the achievement of right to self-determination. He said that India should be persuaded to take steps back and negotiate, adding India has tried to present its wrong actions to the world by showing them right.

Ghulam Muhammad Safi said, “After August 5, voices were raised from anywhere in Occupied Kashmir, they were suppressed, jail doors were opened and at present thousands of Hurriyat leaders are under arrest just because they wanted Jammu and Kashmir. They do not consider it a part of India, but consider it a controversial part. June 26 is the United Nations International Day of Victims of Violence and accordingly we want to highlight the violence that has resulted in the killing of Kashmiri leaders and the martyrdom of people in jails.” He said that many people have been killed in jails, children are suffering from imprisonment and their families are also being tortured, Yasin Malik has also been imprisoned in Tihar Jail.

Freedom leaders Raja Khadim Hussain, Zahid Safi, Mushtaqul Islam, Mushtaq Ahmed Butt, Zahid Ashraf, Chaudhry Shaheen, Ejaz Rahmani, Usman Ali Hashim and Uzair Ahmed Ghazali and others were also present on this occasion. Ghulam Mohammad Safi said that our struggle will continue until the end of Indian military occupation and the right to self-determination. He said India is committing the worst war crimes against the Kashmiri people to condone the military occupation of the occupied state.

He said India is targeting the Kashmiri leadership with the worst revenge to suppress the Azad Kashmir movement. He said in the struggle for national independence, India tried unsuccessfully to break the morale of the Kashmiri people by putting Maqbool Butt and Muhammad Afzal Goro on the throne.  The funeral prayers of Syed Ali Shah Geelani Shaheed, Muhammad Ashraf Khan Sahrai Shaheed, Altaf Ahmad Shah, Ghulam Muhammad Butt and Hakeem Naveed Anjum were carried out in Indian jails, he added. 

He said that Kashmiri independence leaders Mirwaiz Maulvi Muhammad Farooq Shaheed, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Shaheed and Khawaja Abdul Ghani Shaheed were martyred by the Delhi government for demanding independence. He said at present, the Modi government has imprisoned Kashmiri leaders Musrat Alam Butt, Shabbir Ahmad Shah, Yasin Malik, Asia Andrabi, Dr. Abdul Hameed Fayaz, Dr. Muhammad Qasim Fakto, Naheeda Nasreen, Naeem Khan, Ayaz Akbar, Sufi Fahmida, Saifullah Pir, Zafar Akbar Butt, Muhammad Yusuf Falahi, Ameer Hamza, Hayat Dar, Umar Adil Dar and others. Regarding the issue of Kashmir, the Indian government is constantly ignoring the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, he added.