Our overriding concern is to avert a humanitarian catastrophe & an economic meltdown in Afghanistan: Qureshi

ISLAMABAD, Feb 10 (SABAH): Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said Pakistan is pursuing a proactive foreign policy with focus on global agenda.

Addressing a seminar on Multidimensional Diplomacy for Durable Peace, Inclusive Growth and Shared Development in Islamabad on Thursday, Shah Mahmooq Qureshi said we have the resilience and experience to deal with the challenges ahead.

The Foreign Minister said we are moving ahead with both traditional and new tools of diplomacy to create a voice that would resonate with the global community and to dent the deep rooted negative perceptions about Pakistan through fresh and positive narratives.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said under Prime Minister Imran Khan’s leadership, Pakistan has proactively and consistently advanced its diplomatic objectives both bilaterally and multilaterally. We have consolidated friendships and strengthened bilateral relations with major powers and key partners across all regions.

He said Pakistan is a leading voice at multilateral forums with strong advocacy on issues of sustainable and equitable development, climate change, debt relief, corruption and illicit financial flows as well as Islamophobia. He said we are pressing ahead on the clear pathway provided by the policy shift with increased focus on geo-economics, leveraging our geo-political significance.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said Pakistan has geared its diplomacy for garnering regional and international consensus for constructive and sustained engagement with the new interim authorities in Afghanistan. Our overriding concern is to avert a humanitarian catastrophe and an economic meltdown there.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that post-15 August 2021, Pakistan geared its diplomacy for garnering regional and international consensus for constructive and sustained engagement with the new interim authorities in Afghanistan. Our overriding concern is to avert a humanitarian catastrophe and an economic meltdown.

He said that Pakistan played a pivotal role in the safe evacuation of over 90 thousand individuals across 42 nationalities, consisting of diplomats, International NGO workers, media persons and many, many others.

“This included the establishment of the six-country format of immediate neighbors of Afghanistan on Pakistan’s initiative, our participation in the Moscow format and other meetings, and the Troika Plus Meeting held in Islamabad, including the interaction with the Afghan interim authorities” he said.

He said that the high point of these activities was the Extraordinary Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers hosted by Pakistan in Islamabad in December 2021 to focus on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan.

He said that attended by over 70 delegations, including 30 at the Ministerial/Deputy Ministerial level, and representation from various regional and international organizations, and international partners, it provided a wider platform to address the humanitarian and economic challenges confronting the people of Afghanistan. The Session yielded substantive, action-oriented outcomes.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said due to Imran Khan Government’s shift of focus from geo-politics to geo-economics, economic diplomacy has assumed higher priority in the conduct of Pakistan’s foreign policy. Throughout the year, under my Vision FO, I have personally remained engaged with our missions abroad to review their activities regarding export and investment promotion, increasing investor confidence, enhancing remittance inflows, tourism promotion, and broadening of trade ties with host countries.

This effort to promote and expand our trade and investment portfolio across the world together with steps taken at various levels at home has led to concrete achievements including:

-​improvement by 39 points in Pakistans ranking in Ease of Doing Business

-​7% increase in trade with Africa

-​an increase of over USD 2 billion in the export of information technology and IT-based sectors

He said that digital Diplomacy is a pivotal aspect of Vision FO, and is in line with Prime Minister’s vision of a Digital Pakistan.

He said that under the digital reform agenda, we have launched the Foreign Minister’s Portal that provides the diaspora direct access to all 114 Pakistan Missions abroad based in 87 countries with a view to efficient handling and addressing of their issues.

He said that all 114 Missions have been brought online on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram enabling greater transparency and access.

“Our Missions have also proactively promoted the Roshan Digital Accounts providing digital banking solutions to millions of Non-Resident Pakistanis” he said.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that Prime Minister Imran Khan launched ‘Automation of Power of Attorney’, to resolve a perennial problem of overseas Pakistanis. Initially launched as a pilot project in ten Missions in the United States and the United Kingdom, this facility will be extended to all our Missions abroad.

He said that in 2021, Pakistan’s Diplomatic outreach achieved momentous growth as a result of our various public diplomacy initiatives. Last year we celebrated 70 years of diplomatic relations with Argentina, China, Germany, Spain and Thailand, hosting high impact Public Diplomacy events to add a new and renewed people to people dimension to our ties. In 2022, we will be celebrating key milestones in our friendships with many others including UAE, US, UK and the EU.

He said that a key component of Public Diplomacy is Cultural Diplomacy. Our collaboration with Pakistan’s most compelling cultural export “Coke Studio” in 2021 made waves and was a real first for the Government having crafted and executed a public-private partnership at such a scale.

He said that Pakistan celebrated key global days throughout the year including World Environment Day where we hosted a bike rally led by myself. We were also happy to find ourselves in a relatively better COVID19 environment that enabled us to host the annual PFOWA charity bazaar.

“In 2021, I was also happy to have the second iteration of the FM Honours’ List, through which we recognized 25 bright Leaders under 40 from the overseas Pakistani community, for their exceptional achievements in the fields of innovation, sustainability, science, technology, academia, politics and social work” he said.

“We at the Foreign Office are working with all our Missions abroad through both traditional and new tools of diplomacy to create a voice that would resonate with the global community and to dent the deep rooted negative perceptions about Pakistan through fresh and positive narratives” he said.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that keeping our interests supreme, we must navigate through this tumultous external environment to ensure that Pakistan’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence are secured and Pakistan’s development agenda is advanced.

“I would like to close by saying that Pakistan is pursuing a proactive foreign policy with a focus on the global agenda. The future is unpredictable but we have the resilience and experience to deal with the challenges ahead” he said.

Meanwhile Ambassador of Egypt Tarek Dahroug, called on Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Thursday. The focus of discussion was on further strengthening Pakistan-Egypt relations.

Expressing satisfaction at the growing cooperation between Pakistan and Egypt, the Foreign Minister emphasized the importance of enhanced interactions at leadership level, greater people-to-people contacts, and increased institutional engagements.

The Ambassador appreciated the support extended to Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad in performance of its official functions.

Pakistan and Egypt enjoy excellent fraternal relations rooted deep in shared faith and values. The two countries closely collaborate bilaterally, as well as on regional and international issues of mutual interest.