Opinion A shift in the Middle East … Dr Khaula Walayat

The recent Hamas attack on Israel has set off a chain reaction of events that promises to alter the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East and the world at large. My mind delves into the responses of global powers, regional dynamics, and the evolving roles of key players, providing a comprehensive examination of the emerging political reality in the wake of this crisis.

The United States, Israel’s staunch ally, has predictably reiterated its unwavering support for the Israeli government. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s condemnation of terrorism and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s commitment to provide Israel with the necessary resources for self-defence underscore the enduring partnership between the two nations. However, what sets this response apart is the Biden administration’s emphasis on diplomacy and multilateralism.

Under President Biden, the US seeks to reposition itself on the global stage as a leader in diplomatic conflict resolution. While unwavering in its support for Israel’s right to self-defence, the administration may also leverage its influence to facilitate peace talks. This marks a shift from the previous administration’s unilateral approach. The US might play a more active role in bringing the parties involved to the negotiation table, aiming for a balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

China’s call for a two-state solution reflects its growing presence in the Middle East, primarily driven by economic interests. The Belt and Road Initiative has already established deep economic ties with countries like Iran and the Gulf states. As the United States pivots its focus towards Asia, China perceives an opportunity to assert itself as a mediator in the Middle East and a major player in global diplomacy.

China’s role in the region is no longer limited to economic transactions. The nation is increasingly positioning itself as a diplomatic force, potentially bridging gaps between regional powers and participating in peace negotiations. As the Middle East becomes more multipolar, China may take on a more prominent role in shaping the region’s political future.

Turkiye and Qatar’s vocal support for Hamas aligns them with non-traditional alliances in the Middle East. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ambitions to restore Turkey’s Ottoman-era influence in the region are evident in his foreign policy. Meanwhile, Qatar seeks to consolidate its position as a regional mediator, using its resources and diplomatic channels to influence outcomes.

Both nations are expected to exert their influence on regional dynamics. Turkiye may continue to back Islamist movements and engage in proxy conflicts. Qatar, on the other hand, could serve as a bridge for diplomacy, facilitating negotiations between conflicting parties. The alignment of Turkiye and Qatar with Hamas challenges the established regional order and may complicate diplomatic efforts.

Israel, in the face of international condemnation, stands at a pivotal juncture. It can leverage the support of allies like the United States to bolster its security and strategic position. Simultaneously, Israel may seek to explore diplomatic opportunities to resolve the crisis and potentially improve relations with its Arab neighbours.

While navigating this crisis, Israel’s response will significantly impact the evolving geopolitical landscape. It must carefully balance its pursuit of security and the potential for regional reconciliation. Diplomatic finesse will be a crucial factor in determining the trajectory of the conflict and its relations with both allies and adversaries.

The Hamas attack has set off a ripple effect across the Middle East. Countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt will be compelled to reassess their relationships and strategies in response to the crisis. The normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab states under the ‘Abraham Accords’ could face significant challenges, particularly as public sentiment turns against Israel due to the latest violence.

Regional dynamics will be a complex interplay of historic rivalries and shifting alliances. Saudi Arabia and the UAE, traditionally aligned with the United States and wary of Iran, may face dilemmas in balancing their relationships. Egypt, which shares a border with Gaza, will likely play a pivotal role in mediating the crisis. The ongoing developments will test the durability of recent diplomatic breakthroughs.

The United Nations and other international bodies will face renewed pressure to broker a meaningful peace in the Middle East. The latest events may catalyze a fresh push for a two-state solution, although the obstacles to achieving this remain formidable.

The United Nations, under the leadership of its Middle East peace envoy, must navigate the complex terrain of competing interests and historical grievances. International actors, including the European Union and Russia, will play critical roles in supporting diplomatic initiatives. The challenge lies in building trust between the parties involved and ensuring the enforcement of any potential agreements.

In the wake of the Hamas attack on Israel, the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East is undergoing a profound transformation. Traditional power dynamics are shifting, and the old order may give way to a more multipolar reality, with the United States, China, Iran, and regional players vying for influence. The road to peace in the Middle East remains long and fraught with challenges, but these recent events have set the stage for a new chapter in the region’s turbulent history.

As tensions escalate and alliances shift, the world watches with keen interest. The destiny of the Middle East hangs in the balance, and the geopolitical implications are profound. The crisis may ultimately determine the future course of international diplomacy and cooperation, with far-reaching consequences for global stability and security. In this evolving landscape, the pursuit of lasting peace in the Middle East remains an imperative, and the world must remain vigilant and committed to achieving this elusive goal.

The writer works at Linnaeus

University, Sweden. She can be reached at: Khaulawalayat@gmail.com

Courtesy The News