One year of war…Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani

Last year on February 24, the war between Russia and Ukraine started. One year on, Ukraine is facing the worst kind of destruction, reportedly the casualties of tens of thousands of people and the exile of around five million. A large number of innocent children are also victimized.

Undoubtedly, the Russia-Ukraine war has created an uncertain situation at the international level as this war between the two countries badly affected policymaking and national priorities of global players. Most recently, the United States has imposed new sanctions on Russia and announced to provide more military aid to Ukraine.

As a result of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Russia’s trade relations with European countries, including Britain, Germany, and France, have already been suspended. During the G7 meeting held last year in September, it was decided to impose sanctions on Russia. Countries like the European Union and Australia had also decided to boycott Russian products. Although all such measures were aimed at preventing Russia from further aggression against Ukraine, some of these moves also resulted in creating more troubles. Because of not being able to pass through Russian airspace, the aviation industry is facing additional fuel cost and long-duration issues.

Last year, at the start of the Ukraine war, BBC warned that if the Russia-Ukraine war was prolonged, a wheat and food crisis could arise in Pakistan. According to BBC Urdu, The Ukraine crisis will have a direct impact in the form of a 25% increase in the price of wheat in the near future”. Similarly, Afghanistan’s wheat requirements are now being fulfilled from Pakistan, resulting in wheat shortage and price hike in our country.

At the diplomatic level, Pakistan has cordial relations with both Ukraine and Russia. During last year’s meeting of the UNGA, Pakistan decided to remain neutral and this year, at the time of completion of one year of the war, Pakistan along with other 31 countries maintained their decision to remain neutral. In my view, Pakistan’s position regarding the Ukrainian war is very clear that all kinds of conflicts should be resolved through negotiations and the attention of the international community should be focused on establishing peace.

Recently, some media reports hint at the possible use of nuclear weapons in the context of an ongoing crisis. Although, Western countries are currently showing symbolic solidarity, if more global powers jump into the war, it will ultimately lead to the complete destruction of the planet.

The increase in tension between Russia and Ukraine is also a big question mark on the effectiveness of the UN. Historically, the United Nations was founded after World War II, with a noble objective to save the world from war. In the last eight decades, although no third world war has occurred, the dream of ensuring a peaceful world under the United Nations has not been fulfilled.

In my view, the world has completely transformed in the 21st century. However, the UN is still indulged in a post-World War II era, with five global players, including Russia, holding veto power. Ironically, any one of which can silence the international community by vetoing any major global resolution.

Today, on the completion of one year of the Russia-Ukraine war, all peace-loving people around the world are looking towards the UN for playing its due role to ensure an immediate ceasefire.

Courtesy The News