New strategy should be adopted for highlighting Kashmir issue, say speakers of a Webinar

BRUSSELS, Jan 08 (SABAH): A group of Kashmiri experts suggested that in light of the new situation, a new strategy should be adopted for highlighting Kashmir issue at the globe.

The webinar titled, “UN Resolutions and Their Implementation,” organized by Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) was addressed by Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed, Former member European Parliament (MEP) Shaffaq Mohammad, Director General Kashmir Liberation Cell Irshad Mahmood, Former Chief Justice Azad Kashmir Syed Manzoor Gilani, Former Minister Azad Kashmir Farzana Yaqoob, and Kashmiri Intellectual Muzammil Ayub Thakor.

The speakers emphasized that new strategy should be adopted for raising Kashmir issue and Kashmiris should be united for their right to self determination.

Chairman Kashmir Council Europe Ali Raza Syed said, we should assume a new strategy and Kashmiri community should be united for highlighting the right to their self determination. He said, it is seven decades ago people of Jammu and Kashmir are struggling and India is violating UN resolutions and other international laws on Kashmir issue.

He said, India has an adverse behavior with Kashmiri from beginning of the problem and a huge number of the Kashmiris has sacrificed their lives in the struggle.

Former MEP Shaffaq Mohammed said, for understanding rights of the people of Kashmir, people of Europe including UK and France should compare situation of their countries with occupied Kashmir. If police in these western countries uses pellet guns against the people including children and their governments arrest their leaders without any allegation, then what they will feel? Major western powers including UK should stop India from executing black laws in occupied Kashmir.

Former Chief Justice of Azad Kashmir Syed Manzoor Gilani said, beside India and Pakistan, Kashmiris and international community should also be part of the likely process for resolution of Kashmir issue. He said, India is violating international norms and UN resolutions on Kashmir issue.

DG Kashmir Liberation Cell Irshad Mahmood said, India has completely ceased the free media and human rights activism. Human rights activists like Khurram Parvez are in jail. Giving importance to human rights and freedom of press, he insisted that Kashmiris should raise their voice with more energy.

Former AJK’s Minster Farzana Yaqoob said, We as Kashmiri are in state of war and instead apologetic behavior, we should fight back for our rights. Specially when international community can not stop India from oppressing our brothers and sisters in occupied Kashmir, we should fight against Indian brutalities. We should also present evidence of Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir at the international level.

Kashmiri intellectual Muzammil Ayub Thakor said, Kashmiris are struggling for their right to self determination and freedom of their homeland but India is committing crimes against them in order to stop their legitimate struggle. He added, pursuing dream of greater India under Hindutva ideology, the current India regime is attempting to change culture and languages of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.