Nearly half of Pakistanis anticipate economic prosperity in 2025: Says a survey conducted by Gallup & Gilani Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Jan 15 (SABAH): According to a survey conducted by Gallup & Gilani Pakistan, nearly half of Pakistanis anticipate economic prosperity in 2025, optimism higher than last year and higher than India.

The survey in Pakistan was part of a global survey conducted by Gallup International in more than 37 countries with close to 37,338 respondents. The survey is part of a tradition of Gallup International since 1979 in which all members of Gallup International Association participate to study the globe on important subjects. More details can be found here.

A nationally representative sample of adult men and women from across the country was asked the question, “. Compared to this year, in your opinion, will the next year be a year of economic prosperity, economic difficulty or remain the same for your country? In response, 46 % said ‘Prosperity’, 30% said ‘Difficulty’, 12% responded ‘The same’, and 12% said they don’t know or gave no response.