Nation is resolutely braving the disastrous consequences of climate-induced calamity: FO Spokesperson

ISLAMABAD, Sep 08 (SABAH): Foreign Office Spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad has said that the nation is resolutely braving the disastrous consequences of the climate-induced calamity. Disruption of lives and livelihoods, destruction of infrastructure and devastation brought about by the unprecedented rains and floodsacross various parts of Pakistan is really heart-wrenching, he said. Over 33 million of our compatriots are affected – millions displaced from their homes and in need of shelter, over 1300 lives lost and more than 13000 injured, he said.

This was stated by FO Spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad during a weekly press briefing on Thursday. Asim Iftkhar Ahmed said that the rescue and relief operations by the Government of Pakistan are continuing in all affected areas, including with support of the international community. A large number of our friends and partners have stepped forward with assistance to buttress the Government led relief efforts, he said. FO spokesperson said that till Wednesday, 50 flights carrying humanitarian assistance from China, France, Jordan, Qatar, Turkiye, Turkmenistan, UAE, UNICEF, UNHCR, Uzbekistan and WFP have reached Pakistan. Along with that many countries and international organizations have extended cash or in-kind assistance. We are thankful to the international community for their generous support in this hour of need, he said.

FO spokesperson said that as previously informed, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will be visiting Pakistan for two days from today (Friday) as an expression of global solidarity and support for Pakistan.

He said that the Secretary-General will meet the Prime Minister, visit the National Flood Response and Coordination Centre (NFRCC), have a joint presser with the Prime Minister, and hold talks with the Foreign Minister followed by a joint press stakeout here at the Foreign Office, besides other engagements, all in related to the floods response. He will also visit areas most affected by flooding including in Balochistan and Sindh (Sukkur, Usta Muhammad, Mohenjo Daro and Larkana) where he will meet first responders and interact with people displaced by the floods. He will also have a press talk at Karachi airport tomorrow evening having personally witnessed the situation in several flood-hit regions, FO spokesperson said.

“We will be sharing further details about this extremely important visit, and keep you apprised of the SG’s activities while he is in Pakistan” he said.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that we thank the international community for standing with us in these difficult times. This support and solidarity means a lot when the entire nation – every individual, businesses, civil society and organizations are coming forward in a big way to face this colossal challenge with resilience, strength, and unity, he said.

Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that Indian occupation forces martyred seven Kashmiri youth in extra-judicial killing and fake encounters in Shopian, Islamabad and Rajouri areas in the past week. We condemn this unabated state-terrorism resulting in cold-blooded murder of innocent civilians. India must be called to account for its grave violations of international human rights and humanitarian laws, its autocratic suspension of civil liberties and continuing oppression of the Kashmiri people, he said.

“We strongly condemn the extra-judicial killing of a Pakistani national-Tabarak Hussain by Indian occupation forces in Rajouri. To register Pakistan’s strong protest, Indian CdA was called to the Ministry on 5 September” FO spokesperson said.

He said that government of India has been called upon to share the details of the incident, including a credible post-mortem report to determine the cause of death and undertake a transparent investigation to bring to account whoever is responsible for the murder of the Pakistani prisoner.