Nation could not be controlled through force anymore as it had gained ‘consciousness’: Imran Khan

LAHORE, Mar 19 (SABAH): Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman and former prime minister Imran Khan on Sunday yet again announced a power show at Minar-e-Pakistan on Wednesday (March 22) after Saturday’s “high drama” as chaos erupted at his Zaman Park home and at the judicial complex in Islamabad where he appeared before a trial court in the Toshakhana case.

Recalling the incidents that took place since his announcement of kick-starting the election campaign from March 8, he said: “I decided to hold a rally on March 8 after taking permission from the police on March 7, however, on the day of the gathering they started installing containers and imposed Section 144.”

He questioned how can authorities imposed Section 144 — banning pillion-riding and gathering of five or more people — after the announcement of the election date.

He claimed that despite all the drama he decided to call off his rally because he was afraid of chaos, “but they [coalition government] want to throw me in Balochistan jail so I am unable to hold campaign for the upcoming elections”.

“They plan to arrest me so that I am unable to issue ticket to my party leaders,” he said, accusing the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) of conspiring a plan against him.

Imran Khan, without naming PML-N Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz Sharif, said: “The ‘queen of lies’ wants to have a level-playing field before the general elections are held but this is all a part of the London Plan as they want to throw me out of their way as they very well know that the PTI will clean sweep against them.”

Imran Khan recalled that he had requested the sessions court to shift his case due to security concerns, however, instead of adhering to his plea the court issued arrest warrants.

“When the court directed me to mark in-person attendance the people went crazy and asked me not to leave Zaman Park as they were afraid about my well-being,” he said, adding that when he left, he knew either he would be killed or thrown in the jail in Balochistan.

He complained that it took him more than five hours to reach the Islamabad Judicial Complex as the caretaker government of Punjab had closed all motorways for one person.

“It felt like the authorities have deployed all police and FC personnel on the way of the judicial complex who were trying to provoke party supporters and workers to react by using tear gas in order to create a chaotic situation which would have delayed my appearance,” he said.

Imran Khan revealed that when he reached the Islamabad Judicial Complex he saw Rangers, police and other “unknown people” as they made all-out efforts to create chaos outside the court so that “when I come out of my car they can easily kill me.”

Meanwhile, regarding the search operation at his Lahore home — where he has been recuperating since he was injured in an assassination attempt in Wazirabad on November 3 2022 — the PTI chairman said that the police trespassed his home at a time when Bushra Bibi—Imran Khan’s wife — was alone at home.

“Under which law did they loot things, break things in my house?” he questioned, adding that these “disgraced people” weren’t ashamed that a woman was alone in the house.

He warned that if the authorities responsible don’t take action now the country would slip out of their hands.

Imran Khan also blamed Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi for the entire ruckus, saying that he has no morals how will he hold elections.

While sharing his next action plan to tackle the situation, the PTI chief said that he decided to move all high courts and would file a contempt petition. “The PTI will also file references against Mohsin Naqvi and Punjab IG for killing Zile Shah — the PTI worker who was killed last week.

Imran Khan said that the law of the jungle is prevailing in the country and only the judiciary can save the country from plunging into a deep mess.

Imran Khan he would take legal action against caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi and Punjab police, including “every single officer” who had participated in the “attack” on his Zaman Park residence in Lahore a day earlier.

Talking about the police operation at Zaman Park, Imran Khan said officials broke down the gate and his walls while only his wife, Bushra Bibi, and a select few servants were present.

“I want to ask everyone, police, army officers, the judges of this country and the people [about] the respect of chaddor and char dewari in Islam.”

He said that officials knew that Bushra Bibi, a woman who was not involved in politics, was home alone. “To do this at someone’s home, tell me what you would have felt. I am asking my army officers. What would you have felt?” he asked, posing the same question to police officials.

Imran alleged that officials carrying out the operation “looted” his home. “Is the police supposed to loot homes? They looted whatever they found. Do you not have any shame?” he asked as he targeted Punjab Inspector General Usman Anwar and used choice words for him.

He said that the PTI would approach the courts and initiate contempt proceedings in the LHC.

The PTI chief also said that the party would approach the courts against Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi and the Punjab police over.

During the address, Imran Khan also announced that the party would stage a power show at Minar-i-Pakistan — the same venue where he launched his campaign for the 2013 elections — on Wednesday (March 22), adding that it would be a “referendum” on where the nation stood.

“Now, we are doing Minar-i-Pakistan on Wednesday. And I want the whole country to see, it will be a referendum on where the public stands. Everyone will know where the nation stands, and where the cabal of crooks and their handlers stand,” he said.

Imran Khan said that the country was “headed towards disaster” and the only way forward was conducting free and fair elections. He said that the nation could not be controlled through force anymore as it had gained “consciousness”.

At the outset of his address, Imran Khan asked what exactly his crime was, saying that the entire nation knew that he always respected the law. He alleged that 96 cases had been registered against him so far.

“Whenever I leave the house, more cases are registered against me. Who is doing this? The criminals responsible for doing this to the country are the ones registering cases against me.”

He alleged that the coalition government was behind the attempt on his life in Wazirabad, adding that they had the backing of “handlers”.

Giving a rundown of the past couple of weeks, Imran Khan said that the elections in Punjab were announced for April 30, following which the PTI decided to initiate its election campaign by holding a rally in Lahore on March 8.

“On the night of March 7, it was decided with the police how the rally would proceed and they approved it. We got permission. The next day, as we are about to start, everyone starts saying that police contingents are here and placing containers.”

He said that as police appeared clad in riot control gear, it was revealed that Section 144 had been imposed in Lahore. “When elections have been announced, how can Section 144 be imposed? Has this happened before in Pakistan’s history?”

He said that when the rally started moving towards Zaman Park, police used water cannons and tear gas against PTI workers. Subsequently, he decided to cancel the rally by 5pm because “I knew that they are trying to cause the situation deteriorate”.

Imran Khan further said that he asked for his hearing to be shifted from an Islamabad court due to security concerns. “F-8 kachery is a death trap,” he said, adding that arrest warrants were issued for him for this reason.

He said that a huge “army” arrived at his Lahore residence over warrants issued by a magistrate. “There were constant attacks here at my home. Has this ever happened before in the history of Pakistan?”

He asked that if he just had to mark his attendance in a court in Islamabad, why was his home being attacked from three sides. “Rangers were arriving in armoured vehicles, coming in after jumping over walls like some commando action is taking place.”

Imran Khan said that he was ready to hand himself over to the police but he was stopped from doing so by his party workers who feared harm would befall the party chief.

“Yesterday, when I left my house, I said my goodbyes to my wife. I knew that I would either be arrested or killed. With that thought in mind, I left my home.”

He said that when he reached the toll plaza, police had closed down the motorway. “Only one lane was open. They had in mind that once my car leaves, they will close it behind me so that rest of the cars cannot follow […] the whole of Islamabad was closed down as if for a major criminal.”

He alleged that the police intended to either “murder” him or take him into custody and then shift him to Balochistan.

The PTI chief said police tear gassed workers that were walking alongside his car as they “wanted a reaction”. He said that once his car reached the judicial complex, police again tear gassed workers. “I didn’t want to leave or else they would have claimed I fled.”

He said that when he was at the gate, police also started beating the workers surrounding the car. “They were waiting for me to step out of the car and then kill me.”

He refuted claims that bottles of liquor, Kalashnikovs, and petrol bombs were found at his residence, saying that there was no rocket science involved in making petrol bombs. “All it takes is pouring fuel into a bottle and throwing it, and that’s what a petrol bomb is,” he explained.

The former prime minister said that 96 terrorism and murder cases have been fabricated against him. “Whenever I leave my house, they register more cases against me,” he said.