My mother, my teacher!….Dr. Samia Raheel Qazi (IMWU-ASIA)

A loving, affectionate and charismatic personality who, at first glance reminds me of Umme Ammarah, the lady saved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) during Battle of Ohod and today, my mother, my teacher, The Woman of Substance Ustaza Suaad AlFateh is doing the same way, saving deen in contemporary challenges.

Even in her 80s, she is still active as a young soldier, zealous and flourishing. It was 1980s, Lahore, when I first had a privilege to meet her during the magnificent Women Conference, where likes of Aapa Nisar and Egyptian teacher Ustaza ZainabAL Ghazali along with my mother were apple of eye on the stage and I was there as an interpreter of an Afghan delegate.

Establish a Sound World Order.

The mega gathering was attended by more than 300 delegations from 80 different countries. I was obliged to be Pakistans delegate and also to be the founder member of IMWU.

I still remember Ustaza Suaad AlFatehs emphatic, energetic and articulate speech on the occasion, that
gave me Proud to Be a Muslim Woman feeling. Her magical words gave us such enthusiasm that for a
moment, I felt all the forces of evil are under my toe. And that moment when a Western journalist asked
her if this whole setup was an Islamic Feminism Movement, her straight and clear-cut answer was No,
we are Muslim women, not the Feminists of Any Kind, we will work on Islamic principles.

matters, it would have been a different story.

It was public gathering in Lahore, I remember when Ustaza Suaad AlFatehs the Mother of IMWU, defined in a public gathering that how this organization was thought-out.

The organization was initially planned in one of Lahores women conference in 1984. But need of an
international platform was felt for the first time during the Beijing Conference. A platform which can
conjunct muslim women throughout the world, under one big umbrella. So, from Jul 31 to August 3,
1996, a mega gathering was organized in Khartoum where IMWU was founded. She said, addressing to
a women conference.

Ustaza Suaad AlFateh has a special connection with People of Pakistan. She always tells us that all eyes are on this region (Pakistan), because of its geo strtegical position.

My Aagha Jaan (my father, Qazi Hussain Ahmed) had a heartiest and soulful connection with people of Sudan, so whenever they had a dispute, they always asked my Agha Jaan for mediation.

Every single word of her down-hearted and despondent condolence-speech on Aghan Jans sudden and saddest demise is still written on my heart.

from her eyes, for a very emotive Dau e Maghfirat.

Some parts of beautiful and emotional speeches are still carved on my heart that guide my way, provide incitiment to my body and peace to my soul.

Allah and strengthen our foundations, because, stronger the women stronger the society.

Enhance Relations with People

Enhance personal and public relations to propagate the message of Allah to the mankind who has gone astray. Allah has bestowed woman with special skills to make and keep the relations strong, utilize it to resolve peoples problems.

Be A Good Listener

We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less. So, listen more and speak little but thoughtfully.

We are due to respect and obey our husbands. She gave us this lecture with love and zeal
while advising us to obey and follow our husbands. This would inspire me in a way that a woman of such
a power and authority speaks of obeying husbands. But, along with this advice she also maintained that
Say NO to any injustice. Take stand against any injustice in the society you face, because surrendering
to oppression is against the Muslim womens rules. How come a Muslim woman will transfer rebellion/
resistance against injustice to her generations if she herself succumbs to it?

challenging evil powers with full force and enthusiasm at the other moment.

I pray for her good health and long life! May Allah unite us on Judgment Day as we loved each other for his Deen and for Him.
