Muslim Nation’s Scholars express disapproval & anger towards US President Joe Biden’s visit to the Zionist entity & KSA

ISTANBUL, July 16 (SABAH): The Muslim Nation’s Scholars on Saturday expressed disapproval and anger towards United States President Joe Biden’s visit to the Zionist entity and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Scholars from 26 different international Islamic organizations said that supporting Palestinian’s resistance with all its factions is a legitimate duty on the whole nation.

The declaration said that President Biden’s high-profile trip to the Middle East, with stops in Israel, the West Bank, and Saudi Arabia garnered criticism from Muslim Nation’s Scholars and condemned the “Al-Quds Declaration.

The matter is clear to almost everyone with insight within the entire Islamic nation, that the plight of the nation of Palestine could be further threatened through this visit, which aims to reshape the region and integrate the Zionist entity into a satanic alliance.

The scholars affirm that the Zionist entity is an occupying, usurping entity that is hostile to the entire nation and not only to Palestine and its people, and this strange, intrusive entity cannot have the right to exist or establish its so-called state on the land of Palestine, even if the whole world recognizes it. The right of the Zionist entity in the land of Palestine is a legally invalid recognition that contradicts the most basic rules of morals and human rights.

Joe Biden has come to the land of Palestine to be proud of his Zionism, and to declare action to confront the resistance in the land of Palestine, they said, adding that supporting the Palestinian resistance with all its factions is a legitimate duty on the whole nation, it’s rulers and peoples, as well as its institutions and individuals.

The scholars said that confronting the criminal alliances that the American president is working to form is through the fusion of the Palestinian resistance with the peoples of the nation as a whole, and those among their leaders. The peoples of the nation are the true depth of the Palestinian resistance.

The signatories to the declaration called on the rest of the nation’s scholars, institutions and individuals, to clarify the legitimate position on Biden’s visit to the region, and the American-Zionist declaration and conspiracy against the Palestinian resistance, describing it as terrorism, and announcing this through their advocacy activities, scholarly statements, pulpit speeches, meetings and social media.

The scholars called on the peoples of our Islamic nation, with all its segments and institutions, to confront this ominous visit and its dangerous repercussions with more work and sacrifice as well as with increased financial, media and educational support, in order to expose the conspiracies of the nation’s enemies against them, and to expose the dangers of the attack on the nation’s cause in Palestine.

The scholars saluted the people who are stationed in the beloved Palestine, who hold the embers of resistance in Gaza with pride, and who carry the mark of dignity and martyrdom, as well as those stationed in Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, adding who have been uprooted from their own land in occupied Palestine since 1948 AD.