Mushaal writes letter to 85 diplomats exposing fraud elections in IIOJK

ISLAMABAD, Sep 29 (SABAH): Mushaal Hussein Mullick, wife of jailed Kashmiri Hurriyat leader Mohammad Yasin Malik, wrote a letter to 85 countries’ diplomats to expose the fraud elections in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK).

Chairperson Peace and Culture Organization in a press conference on Sunday disclosed that she has written a letter to 85 countries’ diplomats including United National Security Council members and OIC countries exposing the sham Indian elections in IIOJK.

She said that Kashmiris have rejected the fraud Indian elections like always as a lower turn out registered in all major Kashmiri dominated Constituencies including Srinagar, Budgam, Ganderbal despite the fact, India has issued 4.1 million domiciles in IIOJK since 2019.

Mushaal said that India was showing turn out in IIOJK polls due to the issuance of domiciles to settlers or else Kashmiri people utterly rejected the polls through zero participation in the elections.

Mushaal also said that India brought some diplomats to IIOJK to give the impression that they are election observers, who are neither qualified nor trained and not mandated to act as election observers, she added.

The Chairperson disclosed that India refused to allow CNN, Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch to inspect IIOJK elections but created a drama by deceiving a few diplomats adding that she said that a similar drama was staged in 2020 also with the help of some European MPs however latter it was revealed that RAW financed the visit.

She said Indian efforts to show normalcy in IIOJK through such shame elections have failed as New Dehli has deoloyed some 3000 additional Indian Army troops and 500 Commandos in IIOJK.

Mushaal pointed out that entire political leadership, activists and civil society members (bar associations) are in jail as indian turned entire IIOJK into a prison, adding that she said that this is the environment in which elections were held.

Former SAPM reterieted that the world would not admit the legitimacy of these sham elections as India has become immune to international critique like Nazi Germany became in 1930s.

Mushaal also said that Indian Army has been given policing powers in IIOJK which is unprecedented. India has recently ruled through UAPA Tribunal that asking for plebiscite in IIOJK is a crime and will be deemed as act of terrorism.

Mushaal said that IIOJK will likely see another resurgence in resistance because the assembly which will be born out this election will be tooth less. If the world doesnt wake up and penalize India for its actions, South Asia will soon plunge into another conflict, she added.

Mushaal said Pakistan and the World wants Peace in the Middle East. The Strike on Lebanon is unfortunate and Killing of Hassan Nasarullah along with others is highly condemnable . It is a big step towards Escalation of the Conflict.

She appealed world bodies for an urgent Ceasefire to stop this escalation and to an all out War like situation.She also criticised indian foregn minister’ Jaishankar remarks regarding Kashmir and Pakistan at UN. She remarked that India being the biggest sponsor of State Sponsored terrorism in the region and globally is now lecturing world audience at UNGA and making a mockery of itself on how to counter terrorism!

She said that we want harmony in South Asia, Middle East and the world should rein in rogue states to protect the world from major catastrophe.