Mushaal Mullick blasts India for sham polls, vows freedom struggle to continue come what may

ISLAMABAD, Oct 10 (SABAH): Mushaal Hussain Mullick, wife of unlawfully incarcerated senior Hurriyat leader Mohammad Yasin Malik, declared that the recent sham elections in Indian Illegally Occupied jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) were nothing but a blatant attempt by India to legitimize its illegal occupation and undermine the Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination.

Mushaal Mullick, who is also a Chairperson, Peace and Culture Organisation, made these remarks during her keynote address at a seminar titled “Farcical elections in IIOJK and the way forward” organised by Islamabad High Court Bar Association here on Thursday

She stated that these farcical polls were a mere spectacle, designed to deceive the international community into believing that democracy exists in the scenic valley converted into a garrison city and a killing field to stifle the dissenting voices. 

The Hurriyat leader highlighted that India being an imperialist power had disregarded UN resolutions for decades, which unequivocally stated that Kashmiris must decide their future through a fair and impartial plebiscite under United Nations auspices.

However, the Chairperson said that instead, India has employed various unlawful, unconditional and coercive tactics to consolidate and prolonged its illegitimate hold in the occupied valley, including manipulating elections and altering the demographic landscape.

Mushaal Mullick noted that notorious Modi regime introduced new domicile laws and electoral changes to change IIOJK’s demographic fabric, granting temporary voting rights to thousands of outsider Hindus eroding the political autonomy of Kashmiris.

The Hurriyat leader went on to say that all senior Hurriyat leadership including her husband were languishing in jails for years, besides a reign of terror was unleashed, hence hold polls under shadows of guns were a charade because India’s primary goal was to strengthen its illegal occupation by imposing puppets instead of empowering the Kashmiri people.

The Hurriyat leader pressed that the global community must recognize the gravity of the situation and must intervene to stop human rights violations and support the Kashmiri people’s just struggle for freedom.

She urged that the world powers should acknowledge the bitter reality that elections cannot replace the Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination.

Mushaal Mullick demanded that India must hold a plebiscite under UN supervision to resolve the Kashmir dispute once and for all. The chairperson vowed that Kashmiri people would continue their just struggle, and they would not rest until breaking the shackles of Indian slavery.