Muhammad Abdul Shakoor demands devising national policy regarding the complete rehabilitation of flood affectees

ISLAMABAD, Sep 18 (SABAH): President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Muhammad Abdul Shakoor while demanding the devising national policy regarding the complete rehabilitation of the flood affectees has said that rehabilitation of the flood affectees is possible with the donations of the richest personalities of Pakistan. He said that for this purpose insightful leadership is required. He said that groups consisting of influential personalities should be formed for holding meetings with the richest segments. He said that if these rich people take responsibility of rehabilitation of the one district, there will be no decrease in their wealth, adding that the nation is looking towards them. He said that international community wants transparent distribution of the financial aid. He said that Alkhidmat Foundation is ready to support the state in every manner. He said that the looking after of the orphan children of all flood affected areas will be arranged. He said that seeds and fertilizers will be provided to the farmers of the flood affected areas.

This was stated by Muhammad Abdul Shakoor while addressing the seminar organized by JI Islamabad for devising the national strategy for rehabilitation of flood affectees. Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Sirajul Haq attended the seminar as a chief guest. During the seminar the experts of the different fields presented their suggestions.

Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said that it is a big honor not only for us but for Pakistan that Emirates Airline while acknowledging the relief activities of Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan has appealed from its own employees and other people to give donations to Alkhidmat Foundation. He said that the whole world has confidence in Alkhidmat Foundation and this confidence is increasing with the passage of time. He said that it has been acknowledged at the international level that Alkhidmat Foundation shifted thousands of the people trapped in flood water. He said that 50,000 volunteers of Alkhidamt Foundation are rendering services.

Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said that we have formed committee to devise the future strategy, adding that the orphan children will be looked after till the completion of their education. He said that already Alkhidmat Foundation is looking after 20,000 children, adding that we will give policy and government should also announce its policy.

Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said that in Pakistan billionaire and trillionaire people are present if they donate Rs 500 billion or Rs 600 billion then their wealth will not be decreased, adding that he did not wants to take name of these people. He said that these people include real estate, cement, sugar and other fields. He presented the suggestion to Emir JI Sirajul Haq to form groups consisting of retired judges, generals, intellectuals and other influential personalities to hold meeting with the philanthropists. He said that there is need of devising transparent system for the distribution of the aid.