Mother of Dr. Aafiya Siddiqui, Ismat Siddiqui while taking dream of meeting her daughter in eyes passes away

KARACHI/ISLAMABAD, July 02 (SABAH): The mother of Dr. Aafiya Siddiqui (imprisoned in United States of America), Ismat Siddiqui while taking the dream of meeting her daughter in eyes passed away on Saturday.

According to the family members Ismat Siddiqui was ill for a long time and she was 80 years old. Ismat Siddiqui has left behind three children including Dr. Aafiya Siddiqui. She will be buried at Nabuwwat Chowk Gabol Graveyard.

It is worth mentioning here that few days ago Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui had requested the nation to pray for her mother’s health and early release and return of Dr. Aafiya Siddiqui to country.

Meanwhile Defense of Human Rights Pakistan (DHR) Chairperson Amina Msood Janjua while expressing deep grief and sorrow on the death of the mother of Dr. Aafiya Siddqui said that it is regrettable time as we are short of words to comfort the grief of Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui. Amina Masood Janjua in a statement said that we while condemning the kidnapping of Dr. Aafiya Siddiqui press upon the Pakistani government to ensure the release of Dr. Aafiya Siddiqui so that she could meet her children and sister and should join the family in great grief of mother’s death.

Amina Masood Janjua said that there is no biggest tyranny then kidnapping a woman in this way. Amina Masood Janjua prayed for higher status in heaven for Dr. Ismat Siddiqui.

Meanwhile all the families of the missing persons have also expressed condolences with the family members on the death of Ismat Siddiqui. They also prayed higher status in heaven for the departed soul and courage for the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss.  

It is worth mentioning here that 19-years ago on 30th March 2003, Dr. Aafiya Siddiqui was kidnapped along with her three children. After five years she was taken to United States via Afghanistan and was sentenced 86 years imprisonment in a fake case. During this period all the politicians and rulers made promises to bring back Dr. Aafiya Siddiqui but till today no one has fulfilled the promise.