Modi’s entire election campaign revolves around the prospect of imposing a death sentence on Yasin Malik: Mushaal Mullick

ISLAMABAD, Dec 10 (SABAH): Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Human Rights and Women Empowerment, Mushaal Hussein Mullick has asserted that India had consistently thwarted every chance for a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue. Advocating for a just and transparent trial for her husband and Kashmiri Hurriyat Leader, Mohammad Yasin Malik, Mushaal Mullick emphasized that Prime Minister Modi’s entire election narrative revolves around the prospect of imposing a death sentence on Yasin Malik.

These remarks were delivered during the Kashmir Conference, which focused on the violations of human rights in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and the role of the United Nations. The event was organized by the Human Rights Council of Pakistan to commemorate International Human Rights Day.

Mushaal Mullick emphasized the need for global attention to the United Nation High Commissioner for Human Rights two reports of 2018 and 2019 to stop India’s human rights violations in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). She expressed deep concern over the restricted access of international human rights observers to IIOJK. She lamented the information and communication blockade imposed by India, stating that it has prevented the true extent of human rights abuses in IIOJK from reaching the international community.

According to her, the on-ground situation in IIOJK is far more severe than what is being reported. She further said that land of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir was filled with unmarked graves. India was killing the Kashmiri people with impunity and families were left waiting for the dead bodies of their loved ones. She also said that India is using rape as weapon against women, men and children with impunity.

Mushaal Mullick highlighted the shortcomings of the United Nations, an institution initially created to peacefully address global conflicts such as those in Kashmir and Palestine. She expressed disappointment, asserting that the UN has not been successful in compelling India to adhere to its own passed resolutions and human rights conventions in Jammu and Kashmir. She also demanded the representation of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) in the UN General Assembly, underscoring the importance of amplifying their voices on the international stage.

Mushaal Mullick underscored the pivotal role of youth in the success of any movement. She advocated for the creation of dedicated Kashmir cells within educational institutions to provide comprehensive education and awareness to the youth on the complex issue of Jammu and Kashmir. Additionally, she proposed the establishment of a government-level legal body to advocate the just cause of Kashmir in international courts. Mushaal Mullick expressed that the ongoing journey of the Kashmir struggle requires collective ownership at every level.

Mushaal Mullick highlighted the teachings of Islam, emphasizing its core principles of upholding human rights regardless of creed and color. She pointed out that Islam strictly prohibits the killing of non-combatant civilians and the destruction of crops, plants, and properties, even in the midst of a battle.