Modi disrupting communal harmony in IIOJK to fulfill malicious Hindutva agenda: Mushaal Mullick

ISLAMABAD, Mar 22 (SABAH): The Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organisation, Mushaal Hussein Mullick on Tuesday said that the fascist Indian government is hell-bent on sabotaging the exemplary communal harmony in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) by repeatedly committing Chattisingpora like a massacre.

Mushaal Mullick, the wife of jailed Kashmiri leader Muhammad Yasin Malik, said in a video message on the 22nd anniversary of the Chattisingpora massacre said that Indian agencies through killers of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) massacred 35 innocent Sikhs 28 years ago in the Chittisinghpora area of Islamabad district to defame the Kashmir’s freedom movement as it was carried out on the occasion of the visit of the then US President, Bill Clinton, to India.

Mushaal Mullick said that it was done on purpose to give a bad name to the freedom struggle and to link it with terrorism.

Notorious Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was also committing all war crimes to fulfil his notorious and malicious Hindutva agenda adding that she said that Indian notorious forces are using various nefarious plans and hatching conspiracies to demonize the Kashmiri freedom fighters and the latest example is the ‘Kashmir File’, which is basically a bunch of lies, completely away from reality, truth and fact and history.

The Hurriyat leader said that the lone survivor of the Chattisingpora massacre, Nanak Singh, exposed the dirty face of the fascist Indian government who said that the killers were calling each other Hindu names and they were shouting ‘Jai Hind’ while they were spraying bullets on innocent Sikh community members.

Mushaal Hussein Mullick went on to say that even Indian Army’s retired Lt. General KS Gill also in a media interview had admitted that the Indian Army was involved in the killing.

Mushaal said that according to the official record, a total of 89 pundits were killed in 1990 and over 1635 Kashmiris of another faith majority of Muslims were also killed.

She said that all these were done to polarize the society and to start a war between people of different faiths, especially the Kashmiri Muslims and Kashmiris pundits and Muslims of India and Hindus of India by targeting the minorities.

Recently, the Modi regime through a biased film ‘Kashmir Files’ also tarnish the history of Kashmir, Mushaal added.

The Hurriyat leader said that even under the RSS-inspired Modi-led government, religious intolerance in India is growing dangerously, who is solely working on a Hindutva agenda.

“Religious minorities are experiencing systematic violence and discrimination in India, as they are persecuted physically, psychologically and economically there,” she added.

Mushaal said that India under Modi has witnessed an alarming surge in attacks on religious minorities and the brutal Indian forces are committing human rights abuses and killing Kashmiri people with complete impunity.

She also condemned the framing of the charge sheet by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) court against Yasin Malik and other Kashmiri leaders in a fictitious case.

The Hurriyat leader appealed that the international community and human rights organizations should take cognizance of the genocide of Kashmiris people and make sure to avoid the reoccurrence of Chattisingpora like a massacre. She also asked the leaders of OIC to press the Indian government for releasing Innocent Kashmiri prisoners including her husband Yasin Malik.