Mehmood Saghar urges world to end Indian state terrorism in IIOJK

ISLAMABAD, Dec 09, (SABAH): The All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir Convener Mehmood Ahmed Saghar said that the Indian troops were continuously violating the rights abuses in

Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and appealed to the international organizations to settle the lingering Kashmir dispute according to the UN resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Mehmood Ahmed Saghar on the world human rights day called upon the world community to do the needful to protect the human rights of the people of Kashmir. He said Kashmir was the most unfortunate place on earth where the people are denied basic human rights.

He said, it is time the government of India should be pressurized to end its brutal and illegal actions and pave way for holding a referendum in the region to allow Kashmiris exercise their inalienable right, the right to self-determination.”

Mehmood Ahmed Saghar condemned the continued cordon and search operations, killings and arrest of youth by Indian troops in the territory and urged world human rights bodies to take notice of the worst situation of IIOJK. He said, these atrocities are being committed to suppress the Kashmiris’ voice but freedom movements never get suppressed by these kinds of tyrannies.

He urged the UNHRC to come forward to release of all illegally detained Hurriyat leaders, youth and activists including Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Masarrat Aalam Butt, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Aasiya Andrabi, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Fehmeeda Sofi, Naheeda Nasreen, Ayaz Muhammad Akbar, Peer Saifullah, Raja Merajuddin Kalwal, Shahid-ul-Islam, Farooq Ahmed Dar, Syed Shahid Yousuf, Syed Shakeel Yousuf, Dr Abdul Hameed Fayaz and Khurrum Parviaz.

He said that at a time when voices were being raised for the protection of human rights in the world, India was violating the universal charter of human rights in the occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He called upon the UN to set up a special tribunal to investigate increasing human rights violations by India in IIOJK.