Masood Khan calls for immediate and permanent ceasefire & relief for the people of Gaza

BALTIMORE, May 27 (SABAH): “Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) represents all nationalities who have Muslim identity. Your presence here sends a message of peace, love and harmony across the United States and around the world,” said Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States Sardar Muhammad Masood Khan. “ICNA is not confined to the borders of the United States. Similar chapters have presence in North America and across continents. “ICNA is building synergies in the United States; with the communities and also across the belief systems. We pay tribute to you for service to humanity,” he continued.

Ambassador Masood Khan made these remarks while addressing 49th National ICNA-MAS Convention in Baltimore. The ICNA-MAS annual three-day convention is attended by thousands of Muslims from across the United States and other parts of the world.

Addressing the main event of the annual convention, Masood Khan paid a glowing tribute to the dynamic leadership and convening power of Dr. Mohsin Ansari, President ICNA, for his invaluable services to promote the cause of the ICNA and reaching out to people in distress in Pakistan and other parts of the world.

Earlier, Dr. Mohsin Ansari in his welcome speech informed the gathering that ICNA had positively impacted 12 million people through its various activities. He said that in 2023, almost 01 million people were served. 2023 Report of ICNA stated that 2100 clients were sheltered through women’s transitional housing; 63, 125 people were served through the Back2School Program; 691,861 people were served through various food program, 37,330 were served through Refugees Services Program, 4,222 people served through Relief Services in 7 disaster areas, and 19,053 people benefitted from health services provided by ICNA.

On the occasion ICNA recognized invaluable services of former president Dr. Mohammad Younis who had been serving the community for past 50 years, and also Mr. Suhaib William Webb who was named as a “Faith Leader to Watch” by The Center for American Progress in 2016, selected by the Muslim Community as one of CNN’s 25 Most Influential Leaders; as well as one of “Five Hundred of the Most Influential Muslims” by the Royal Islamic Studies Center in 2021. A special award was also given to the representative of South Africa, the land of Nelson Mandela, which according Dr. Mohsin Ansari “stood up, raised its voice for the Palestinians, went to ICC and showed the world what courage, justice and truth means.” Ismail Esau, Charge d’Affaires at the South African Embassy in Washington, received the award.

In his remarks Ismail Esau highlighted the miseries of Palestinians under occupation and the ongoing military action. “For South Africa, there remains a special sense of responsibility towards Palestine as Nelson Mandela had insisted that the Palestine issue is a great moral cause of the time and South Africa’s freedom would remain incomplete as long as Palestine is not free,” he said.

In his remarks, Ambassador Masood Khan also paid tribute to the Government of South Africa for its singular contribution to uphold international humanitarian law. “You deserve admiration of entire international community. The comity of nations respects you as standard bearer for the rights of Palestinians and the right of self-determination of people of Palestine,” he observed.

Masood Khan called for immediate and permanent ceasefire and relief for the people of Gaza who were starving, had no medical assistance and were being buffeted from one location to another. He urged the United States to demonstrate leadership to ensure that two-state solution becomes a reality. Masood Khan also lauded ICNA for investing in education and technology. “You are passing this baton of leadership of rich legacy of Muslims to the coming generations. Younger generation is our future,” he said. The Ambassador conveyed his best wishes to the leadership and worker of ICNA for success of their noble mission.