Malicious campaign targeting University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir condemned by Staff Associations

MUZAFFARABAD, June 22 (SABAH): The Academic and Administrative Staff Associations of the University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (UAJK) have strongly condemned a malicious campaign aimed at defaming the state’s largest and most prestigious institution of higher education.

On Thursday, a delegation led by Dr. Nazanin Habib, President of the UAJK’s Academic Staff Association, and Israr Saeed Qadri, President of the Administrative Staff Association, held a meeting with Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kaleem Abbasi to address the ongoing campaign against the university.

The delegation assured Vice Chancellor Abbasi of their complete awareness of this attempt to tarnish the reputation of UAJK and pledged to vigorously counter the efforts made by this particular group. They emphasized that the university’s current standing, achieved through perseverance and dedication, would not be compromised by personal ego or the interests of vested parties.

Expressing unwavering trust in the leadership of Vice Chancellor Abbasi, the delegations acknowledged his role in the university’s achievements in educational development, research advancement, and the establishment of modern infrastructure. They expressed their belief in the university’s continued progress in the months and years ahead.

The delegation highlighted several notable initiatives, including the appointment of highly qualified faculty based on merit, the introduction of new educational programs to equip youth with modern technological skills, and the construction of the King Abdullah campus to address long-standing housing issues. They also commended the University for equipping its campus with state-of-the-art science and computer laboratories, made possible through support from the Saudi Fund for Development. The delegations acknowledged and praised effective linkages development at both the national and international levels.

During the meeting with Vice Chancellor Dr. Kaleem Abbasi, the delegation also discussed various academic, research, and administrative matters pertaining to the university.

Addressing on the occasion, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kaleem Abbasi expressed his gratitude to the Academic and Administrative Staff Associations and assured them that strict legal action would be taken against those involved in nefarious schemes against the institutions.

He said safeguarding the honor and prestige of the University is vital for its students and teachers and it is equally the responsibility of civil society, political and social circles, businesspersons, media organizations, and the general public of the state to ensure the utmost respect for their national institutions.

The delegations of the Academic Staff Association and Administrative Staff Association included Dr. Samina Sabir, Dr. Rukhsana Said, Dr. Batool Ata, Dr. Manzoor Ahmed, Dr. Junaid Ahmed, Khadim Hussain Awan, Khawaja Nasir, Razzaq Hussain Shah, and others.