Making AI a responsible technology…Waqar Hassan

Human creations propelled the advancement and growth of the world. However, every invention and risk comes with its own set of fears for humans. Humans were initially afraid of introducing innovations into their communities, but such innovations eventually became opportunities for humanitys growth. It is a recurring pattern that all past innovations were met with fear and rejection initially. Around 10,000 years ago, cavemen, once afraid of wolves, successfully tamed them by taking the risk of choosing them as companions.

Humans, initially, invented extremely unsafe airplanes, often causing aviators to sustain fatal injuries. But by using a human-in-the-loop system, modern aircraft have increased safety. Similarly, the emergence of the internet connected the world while also presenting unforeseen risks and dangers. Spreading awareness about responsible internet use has turned it into a tool for mutual gains in human societies.

Artificial Intelligence, like other inventions, has been transforming the world. However, the rise of AI has raised concerns about its potential negative impact at personal and global levels. Unfortunately, the weak monitoring system in AI gives rise to worries about the potential misapplication of this technology. Although AI has both benefits and the risk of misuse, implementing certain measures can promote the responsible use of artificial intelligence. The technology of AI, created by humans, relies on data provided by humans. Hence, humans possess the power to govern what they have made.

Richard Feynman, a renowned physicist, once wrote: If I cant create it, I dont understand it. By monitoring the feedback loop that generates an AI response, artificial intelligence can become more responsible. To begin with, artificial intelligence systems should be designed to produce outputs that benefit humans. AI systems should be developed to prevent any possibility of negative elements exploiting artificial intelligence to harm humans. AI threats arise from humans inability to regulate the inputs given to its functioning loop. Therefore, responsible development by humans is necessary for artificial intelligence to exhibit responsible behavior.

To generate reliable outcomes, artificial intelligence systems need constant updates on user information. Their capabilities can be enhanced with fine-tuning, consistent software upgrades, and stringent safeguards to prevent malfunctions. Humans need to continuously monitor and manage AI system operations, ensuring these systems act responsibly.

To function properly and provide accurate results, an AI-based system relies on data. AI outcomes wont be human-centric if the data is outdated or biased. The manipulation of data for self-interest could result in biased outcomes from artificial intelligence, posing a threat to peaceful human coexistence.

Therefore, a global entity must be created to oversee the data fed to AI machines. A regulatory body would guarantee that machines operating on manipulated or biased content are not produced, enhancing the accountability of artificial intelligence. Furthermore, a reliable test infrastructure must be implemented to ensure continuous monitoring of the activities of artificial intelligence machines or systems in the working environment.

The implementation of a system capable of detecting, preventing and rectifying errors in advance would enhance the reliability and accountability of artificial intelligence. Finally, a code of conduct should be established for AI manufacturers to ensure ethical and responsible machine manufacturing. To keep the technology secure, a strict monitoring mechanism is needed to oversee the supply chain and sales of AI-based products.

AI is a game-changing technology with immense potential. There is no need to fear this technology. The crucial step is to ensure its responsible behavior. The creators of this technology, humans, can retain full control over it. Its responsible implementation could make the world safer, and more progressive. To fully unlock its transformative power, artificial intelligence must be used responsibly. On the other hand, if used irresponsibly, it will bring unforeseen consequences to the entire world.

Courtesy The Express Tribune