Mafias on the name of politicians while parties on behalf of mafias, gangs rule the roost: Sirajul Haq

ISLAMABAD, Nov 28 (SABAH): Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Sirajul Haq has said that mafias on the name of politicians while parties on behalf of mafias and gangs were seen to ruling the roost across the length and breadth of the country.

Sirajul Haq said this during his meeting with the economy experts and whilst addressing the Shah Hamdan Conference on Monday. He further said that the rulers were careless about the masses and added he was not hopeful of the helm of affairs to eradicate the interest-based system from the country.

He said infighting between federal and the provincial governments were for their own interests whereas both the sides were misusing police and government resources. He said both of the governments were supporter of status-quo and added that the ruling parties had no agenda as they rules for years but pushed the country towards darkness. The reason behind poverty, unemployment and chaos were indeed these rulers, he said, and added they have nothing to show in respect of their performance except those false promises.

Sirajul Haq said that 80 percent of the population had not clean drinking water and the big cities were converted in garbage places that were giving rise to suffocation. While expressing his surprise, Emir Jamaat-e-Islami said the rulers who were not even capable of cleansing the streets how their thinking could be clean He further said that the country was under debt of over Rs 62.5 trillion whereas loan of over Rs 23 billion was being taken on daily basis which was being used on the protocol of rulers.

The rulers commit corruption after taking loans [from abroad] and afterwards they buy assets abroad through this looted money, he said, and added political game was ongoing on the name of accountability. Even no-one was following Articles 62, 63 according to its spirit and that there is no concept of supremacy of law and Constitution in the country, he added.  Powerful segments of the society don’t care about the system whereas the poor classes of the society have always been suppressed, he deplored.

Sirajul Haq said some families set up monarchies whereas mafias were ruling the roost. He deplored the rulers deceived the people of Balochistan, Karachi and tribal areas. Time has come that the masses get rid of feudal land lords, waderas and cruel capitalists to play their role in establishing the supremacy of law and Constitution for putting an end to the riba system. He said the rulers have no agenda for the betterment as the country was being submerged in the quagmire of loans on daily basis whereas the inflation and unemployment were becoming beyond the control.

Sirajul Haq said instead of decline in economic and political instability it was multiplying giving rise to the sufferings of the masses.  He said that Jamaat-e-Islami has been putting its efforts in connection with enforcing the Islamic System and against the Riba Sytem and appealed to the masses to reject the already test parties during the elections for the establishment of Islamic Welfare Pakistan.