Liaqat Baloch terms Federal, Punjab govts equally responsible for deaths in Murree

LAHORE, Jan 09 (SABAH): Deputy Ameer Jamat-e-Islami Liaqat Baloch has said that Federal and Punjab governments equally responsible for deaths of innocent tourists in Murree tragedy. 

While addressing to the political workers in Bahawalpur and Lahore Liaqat Baloch said that worst mismanagement has unearthed in Murree. PM Imran Khan and Chief Minister Usman Buzdar are national criminal, he said adding that Murree tragedy is complete failure of government, executive and Disaster Management Authorities.

Liaqat Baloch demanding inquiry of the incident said that PM and CM buzdar accepting their failure should resign before the inquiry starts.

Baloch said that Imran Khan government has promoted extremism, vulgarity and secularism despite the slogans of state of Madina, adding that Jamat-e-Islami would enforce Islamic rule in country to root-out the economic issues faced by masses of the country. 

JIP leader said that people of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa have rejected PTI in local government elections but now PTI trying to flee from LB polls, adding that PTI also wants delay in LB elections in Punjab. PTI govt constitutionally, political, and economically has completely failed, he said. 

He said there is no writ of the government because public sector department not ready to perform their duties, due to that masses facing sever difficulties. Government should resign and general elections should be held as soon as early possible, he added.