KC-EU holds a protest in Brussels on black day of 27 October

BRUSSELS, Oct 27 (SABAH): A protest demonstration was organized on Thursday by Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) on the occasion of day of Indian Occupation of Jammu and Kashmir (27th Oct) in front of Indian Embassy in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and based in other parts of the world observe Black Day on 27th October every to protest against the illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir by India. On the occasion, the Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed said, we demand New Delhi to end occupation of Kashmir and free people of Kashmir and give them right of self-determination.

A large number of Kashmiris and their supporters attended the demonstration held in front of Indian Embassy in Brussels. Ali Raza Syed said, 27th October 1947 is the darkest day in history of Jammu and Kashmir when India in total violation of all international norms and human values illegally landed its troops in the state against the will of the people.

He further said, by staging this protest, we want to send a message to the Indian government that Kashmiris do not accept India’s illegal occupation. The Kashmiri people want to decide their future in a free environment. It is sad to say that India claims to be the largest democracy in the world but it is suppressing the rights of Kashmiris and killing innocent people in the occupied valley. Our brothers and sisters in Occupied Kashmir have been victims of Indian persecution for the past seven decades. On a daily basis, Indian state institutions are trying to crush the Kashmiris. Indian police and security forces are killing Kashmiris in the valley, violence, fear and rape of women by Indian occupation forces has become routine.

He said, peace in Kashmir is connected to the whole region. If Kashmir is witness of peace, the whole region would be witness of peace and prosperity.

Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed made it clear that Kashmiri nation is not ready to compromise on their right to self determination.

He also urged the international community to help the people of Jammu and Kashmir struggling for their right to self determination.