Kashmiris prefer death over slavery but won’t accept India’s hegemony: Mushaal Mullick

ISLAMABAD, August 04 (SABAH): Chairperson of Peace and Culture Organisation, Mushaal Hussein Mullick said that Kashmiris would once against give India and the international community a clear and unequivocal message that they preferred death over slavery and they would never compromise on their principled stance by accepting India’s hegemony and its illegal control over the occupied Kashmir.

In a statement issued on Friday, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, the wife of incarcerated senior Hurriyat leader Muhammad Yasin Malik, said that the people of Kashmir across the world would mark August 5 as Black Day today (Saturday) not only to condemn India’s unconstitutional unilateral action of August 5, 2019 but to convey a strong message again that their spirit and passion for freedom was invincible and their voice could not be crushed through military might.

Mushaal Mullick urged the people to forge greater unity to foil notorious Indian government’s nefarious designs and colonial policy and to further expedite their efforts to expose India’s ugly face worldwide. The chairperson stated that 5 August was one of the darkest days in the history of Kashmir as it had a catastrophic impact on the lives of Kashmiris because fascist authorities turned Kashmir into a world biggest open jail and a largest torture cell since abrogation of Article 370 and 35-A.

She recalled that over one million troops were stationed in the illegally occupied valley and tasked to carry out systematic genocide of Kashmiris, besides thousands of innocent Kashmiris, were languishing in Indian jails under concocted charges including her husband Yasin Malik.

Mushaal Mullick noted that hundreds of structures were blasted, demolished and confiscated with the view to deprive Kashmiris of their land, resources and livelihood and thousands non-settlers Hindus were granted domiciles and were being settled in the disputed territory the under a malicious scheme to change the demography of occupied Kashmir.

However, she vowed that despite all its tools of oppression and suppression, the notorious Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government completely failed to deter the determined Kashmiris from seeking their right to self-determination through a peaceful struggle.

Mushaal Mullick stated that the day was not far when Kashmiris would achieve their cherished goal of freedom, as they could not be deprived from the birth right of self-determination through brutal tactics anymore. She urged the civilized world to shun silence and double-standard and take tangible steps to put pressure on Indian government to ensure resolution of the decades-olds Kashmir dispute as per the UN agreed formula and aspirations of the people of the scenic valley.