Kashmiris Cry in the Wilderness …. Dr. Waleed Rasool

th September is commemorated as a reminder to bring peace and resolve conflicts having linear correlation with coexistence; however, in practice, cynical classical realism prevails in BJP, compared to the cry for true democracy in Kashmir. As Thucydides said, “The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must.”. Occupied and oppressed Kashmiris are being pushed to accept and endorse the interpretation of the peace suites to India to consolidate her regional hegemon gimmicks. Pseudo-democratic practice is repeated for the 11th time in India’s illegally occupied Kashmir. Currently, the election campaign is in full swing when true representatives are caged 900 kilometers away from their homeland behind iron clad Tihar Jail. BJP political calculation is right that even if political leadership is caged in Kashmir Jails, they still have sway over the mass’s true aspirations. This throbbing situation giggles throat that Kashmiris aspiring for the right to self-determination as per UN resolutions from seven decades will not accept any arrangement under the Indian Union. Kashmiris have paid an immense cost for peace. Even when caged to scrap internal special status followed by the Balkanisation of state and statehood, based on this particular treatment as an argument, New Delhi claims that peace is maintained in Kashmir used to be the independent state in pre-1947 and special status along its constitution and flag up to 5th August 2019. Creating havoc by the interplay of legal license to kill and humiliate by use of special powers to Indian occupying forces through PSA, AFSPA, NIA, and political gimmicks on the shoulders of the complex state power is ridiculous. India’s notion is that Kashmiris are ready to engage in the assembly elections or the selection process governed by Delhi directly, and Kashmiris are part of the election process to endorse the brazen illegal act of the 5th Jan 2024 is broad day robbery on the name of democracy which demands the true democracy to determine. It is nothing new for those with all fingers on the pulse and data of the previous elections carried under the same blanket and circumstances. It is a set pattern that if Kashmiris opposed the oppressor’s unilateral move, they are replaced in the same pattern as Sheikh Abdullah was given the Premiership and then terminated and replaced by Bakshi, Bakhshi by Mir Qasim even Farooq by his brother-in-law in 1984 and so forth and so on. NC framed the alliance with the Congress and the PDP led by Muftis with BJP. Considering India’s pseudo-democratic practice while providing a peaceful and just world was the cornerstone of the just world order and democratic peace theory, to reach the Indian interpretations of peace, it is a must to research the cause. The crux of replacing the League of Nations with the United Nations was to grant relief to those facing the wrath of the powerful. Still, this affability was not available to Kashmir, who demanded the implementation of the 5th August 1949 United Nations resolutions, which were significant as they recognised the right to self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. India denied it even though the UN, Pakistan Kashmiris and the sane community of the globe accepted it as the legitimate and straightforward solution to the Kashmir issue. Ensuring life, liberty, and property are fundamental rights, not derivative ones. Kashmir is one of the oldest disputes pending at the UN. Reminding the Peace Day Peace for Kashmir is the first challenge to be rescued from the misinterpretation of the oppressor who keeps shifting the meaning of peace, which suits her. Despite the strategic alliances and interests. Peace efforts must be galvanised with effective enforcement measures. To help people in need and bring away the Kashmiris from the mess of the crude and inflexible mindset demands rethinking at the international government organisational level. The political and economic interests had crippled and questioned the performance, despite the legal framework available, it requires the perusal at the multi-dimensional fronts keeping in view the Indian inflexible mode and her strategic regional and global alliance with the worldwide powers who matter in the geopolitical power matrix. India is, as usual, adamant that taking the series of unilateral actions against the Kashmiris, the election participation of the people will consolidate Indian grip. Assembly elections campaign is in full swing in India’s illegally occupied Kashmir, backed by the 15th, 14th and 13th core deployed in Jammu and Kashmir. As per the BBC report, the number of the troops had exceeded 750’000 post 5th August, deployed in every knock and corner of Kashmir and have direct access to influence the elections, Putting the Kashmiris in the pressure cooker in the hottest furnace in decades, particularly after 5th August 2019 is realpolitik where only the result matters but not the means of the result. How the Indians as occupiers contemplate that when any and every internal right and fundamental right is snatched, Kashmiris will accept the Indian tyranny despite being forced to come back to the polling booth. It may help New Delhi to give the notion of the normalcy in the Indian illegal state of Jammu and Kashmir is absurd. The abrogation of the special status bifurcating the state and snatching the land the employment rights depicts that this aggression is bestowed the legal and the constitutional cover cannot bring the Kashmiris to the polling booth willingly. Still, the Indian war machine’s wrath is the essential diver; therefore, the percentage here is not the parameter but the quantum of India’s high-headedness powered by hard power. Elections are not substitutes for the right to self-determination. The legal position was taken by the United Nations after 1951 when the same tactical objective on the shoulders of the democratic process was applied to give the notion that Kashmiris had accepted the Indian Union. The United Nations passed resolution # 122 with a majority vote. They maintained the precise position that elections are an administrative matter. It is neither the vote against the urge of the right to self-determination nor what India propagates that Kashmiris had accepted the Indian position in any case. However, the 14th Parliamentary and 11 Assembly elections have the same result. India will give hype that ratio is the enforcement. However, it is empirically proven that when the same method is applied with the same methodology, the result is the same: Positive peace is not given a chance while engaging the aspirations which are caged, and therefore, the dispute will keep simmering until and unless the UNSC will not play the role as per the mandate to stand with aggressed against aggressor same was the foundation of the UN to bring the peace.