Kashmiris call out world’s top rights defenders for their criminal silence over Kashmiri political prisoners

GENEVA, July 1 (SABAH): World’s top human rights defenders have been called out for their criminal silence over Kashmiri political prisoners, languishing in Indian jails over trumped up charges.

Led by Altaf Hussain Wani Incharge UN Kashmir delegation Geneva, Fahim Kayani, president of Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK and Ch Babar Wariach President Tehreek-e-Kashmir Italy, scores of Kashmiri activists held demonstrations outside UN Human Rights office.

Reminding global human rights defenders of Kashmiri political prisoners, Kayani said: “Kashmiris are no lesser children of God. Silence of western capitals and international organizations speaks volumes about double standards on human rights.”

India has illegally abducted around 10,000 Kashmiris including top leadership of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, globally recognized human rights activists, professionals and journalists.

Indian agencies filed fake cases and have until now failed to produce single evidence in Indian Kangaroo courts to prove these cases.

“India has morally and ethically failed to win Kashmiris and after it failed to crush the movement for right to self-determination, these Indian terror-inflicting agencies filed these fake cases,” said Kayani.

Masarat Alam, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Shabir Shah, Nayeem Ahmed Khan Dr Qasim Faktoo, Ayaz Akbar, Aasiya Andrabi, Nahida Nasreen, Peer Saifullah, Fehmeeda Sofi and others are among around 10,000 Kashmiris illegally abducted by Indian agencies and occupying forces.

Addressing the demonstrators, Kashmiri activist Altaf Wani said the reign of terror inflicted on Kashmiris in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir “will meet the fate of dead end, sooner than later.”

“India’s all-out war launched in 1990s could not scare Kashmiris and these tactics will again fail to convince Kashmiris,” Wani said.  He said international community must break its silence and media should be allowed to work in a free environment.

“Besides suppressing Kashmiris, Indian agencies have persecuted media which has blocked relay of independent stories from IIoJK,” he said. Charging India with imposing information apartheid on IIoJK, Wani said: “this vicious cycle of terrorism by India against Kashmiris must end.”

Ch. Babar Warriach laid responsibility of ending state terrorism in IIoJK on international community. “The global defenders of human rights must stand up, open their mouth and hold India accountable,” Warriach said.

Hasan ul Banna Member UN Kashmir delegation Geneva, Mirza Asif Jarral Chairman J&K Democratic Forum France, Raja M Wasim Sec Gen Tehreek-e-Kashmir Europe Italy, Ch Muhammad Munir Senior Vice President TeK Europe Italy, Attiq Zubair Jarral Deputy Sec Gen TeK Europe Italy and others also condemned human rights violations and Indian occupation of Kashmir