July 13, 1931, carnage a dark chapter in Kashmir history: Mushaal Mullick

ISLAMABAD, July 13 (SABAH): While paying glowing tributes to the martyrs of July 13, 1931, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, wife of unlawfully incarcerated senior Kashmiri Hurriyat Leader Mohammad Yasin Malik, reaffirmed commitment that the people of Kashmir would continue their righteous struggle against the Indian illegal occupation until they achieved liberation.

In her statement on Kashmir Martyrs’ Day observed on Saturday on both sides of lines of control, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, a former Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) for Human Rights and Women Empowerment, called the massacre of July 31 as the darkest chapter in the history of the Dogra regime.

She vowed that the brave Kashmiri freedom fighters would continue to give sleepless nights to the Indian occupation forces and its puppets until they broke the shackles of Indian slavery.

Mushaal Mullick stressed the need for a peaceful and just resolution of the decades-old Kashmir dispute, as Indian brutal forces should have to realize that they could not break the unwavering resolve of Kashmiris through brutal use of powers. The Hurriyat leader recalled that over four hundred and fifty thousand Kashmiris had embraced achieved martyrdom since 1947 for their resistance against Indian hegemony, while over 96,326 persons were martyred by Indian troops, 7,341 of them in custody since January 1989.

However, she stated that the fact remained that the worst kind of Indian brutalities had failed to coerce the Kashmiris to surrender their true political demand as they were determined to carry forward the mission of their martyrs and sacrifices of people who remained alive in their hearts and minds. She stated that the martyrs were guiding lights for the ongoing just freedom movement, which continued to inspire Kashmiris to vociferously resist and challenge the unlawful Indian occupation.

Mushaal Mullick vowed that the matchless and unprecedented sacrifices rendered by the brave people of Kashmir for the freedom cause would yield results and they would succeed in breaking the shackles of Indian slavery once and for all. She urged that the world powers and human rights organizations should intervene and resolve the long-standing dispute as per the UN agreed formula and aspirations of the people of the occupied valley.