JKLF writes to G20 Member Countries; apprises them about the Indian hidden designs in holding this meeting in a disputed State

ISLAMABAD, May 06 (SABAH): Muhammad Rafiq Dar, the chief spokesman of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) and the special representative of the incarcerated party Chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik, has sent a detailed letter to the heads of G20 member states that expressed people’s concern over Indian hidden anti-State agenda in hosting their officials meeting on May 22 and 23 in disputed State of Jammu Kashmir.

The leaders of JKLF on Saturday during a press conference at party’s Central Information Office released the letter addressed to the heads of G20 member countries to the media. Besides Muhammad Rafiq Dar the party vice chairman Saleem Haroon, central deputy secretary general Javed Hanif, AJK-GB Zonal President Sajid Siddiqi, central deputy chief organizer Sardar M. Anwar Khan and JKSLF Chairman Ubaid Shabir along with other office bearers were present in the conference.

Speaking to media persons Muhammad Rafiq Dar said that in connection with the preparations for this meeting in Occupied Kashmir while turning it in to the military zone India has made the lives of the local people miserable who are already under duress for the last several decades facing the wrath of almost a million Indian military personnel deployed in such a small place. India, under the garb of security arrangements for the conference, has started a new spree of arrests and extra judicial killing of Kashmiri youth besides harassment of common people in Kashmir, he added. He said that India, by holding this conference in the disputed region, is trying to achieve its own hidden objectives by misleading the international community.

Muhammad Rafiq Dar said that there is a national resolve among the people of the State that our freedom movement based on justice, and backed by unparalleled sacrifices will continue till the objective of freedom is achieved.

Expressing their displeasure against India over hosting this conference in disputed State JKLF has appealed people in Indian occupied Jammu Kashmir to observe complete strike on 22nd and 23rd of May and the people in AJK-GB to hold protests.

While responding to a question the JKLF spokesman expressed its party’s concern over the reports about 15th Amendment being brought in AJK Legislative Assembly that completely is against the spirit of democracy and people’s rights. Speaking against the proposed bill, JKLF appealed the legislative assembly members of AJK to stay away from such anti-Kashmir and ant-Kashmiri bill as it limits the rights of your own assembly and is against your national identity.

Muhammad Rafiq Dar said that people from across the ceasefire line at this critical juncture of the freedom movement cannot afford any such misadventure that instigates the State residents to rise against their own representatives. On this occasion he appealed the parliamentary as well as non-parliamentary political parties including the civil society members especially the youth of AJK and GB to rise above their politics and play their role in saving their national interests.