JKLF pays tribute to Muhammad Yasin Malik, the symbol of perseverance

ISLAMABAD, May 25 (SABAH): On the completion of one year of the unjust life sentence, the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) paid rich tributes to illegally incarcerated party Chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik. JKLF termed him as a symbol of perseverance, and pride of the nation for his bravery and sacrifices he rendered so for.

According to the statement issued by JKLF Spokesman Muhammad Rafiq Dar from party’s central information office, the ongoing Indian sponsored state oppression in Jammu Kashmir has reached its peak and that the pride of India will certainly reduce to dust no sooner the dark night of oppression ends. Condemning the life imprisonment sentenced by Indian special court on the dictates of Indian government against the beloved national leader of the people of Jammu Kashmir from both sides of the cease-fire line, Muhammad Yasin Malik, the spokesman said that India with aggressive policies is not going to achieve anything with the use of her military might against the Kashmiri people. He said that the just and lawful movement for national freedom and self-determination backed with eternal sacrifices will, in any case, reach its desired end.

According to the spokesman, in order to pay homage to Yasin Malik, a protest demonstration, against unfairly sentencing him to life imprisonment last year, was organized by the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front today outside the central press club in Muzaffarabad, the capital city of Azad Jammu Kashmir. The protest was led by party’s vice chairman Khawaja Saifudin, vice chairman Saleem Haroon, finance secretary Khawaja Manzoor Ahmed Chishti, senior leader Jaffar Kashmiri, zonal finance secretary Habib Babar and Muzaffarabad district president Raja Asim. Many JKLF and JKSLF leaders and workers participated in the protest. Besides Saleem Haroon senior JKLF leaders spoke on the occasion and paid tributes to Yasin Malik.

While addressing the protestors Saleem Haroon condemned the Indian nefarious designs against Yasin Malik and said that Yasin Malik followed the footsteps of his predecessors. He said that Yasin Malik asked the Indian court that for being on the rightful and truthful path, he is not going to beg you for his life. He said that India could not subdue Yasin Malik for him being the symbol of resistance and perseverance. During the protest, the protestors kept raising slogans in favor of the complete independence of the state of Jammu Kashmir and against the oppressive measures of India, and demanded the early release of all pro-freedom political prisoners including Yasin Malik.

According to the statement, a high-level delegation of the JKLF led by the central vice-chairman Sardar Zahid Hussain held a detailed meeting yesterday with Ms. Maria Arina, the head of the European Parliamentary Human Rights Committee in Brussels, Belgium. Besides the General Secretary of JKLF Europe Zone Zaheer Zahid and President of JKLF Belgium Branch Altaf Hussain, the JKLF delegation included Dr. Sajjad Saeed, Dr. Ishtiaq Khaliq, Zahid Iqbal and Naseem Khan.

The meeting with the head of the human rights committee of European Parliament took place at the European Parliament in Brussels at 4 pm local time, in which the delegation while explaining the political and historical background of the Kashmir issue, discussed the issues of interest to Ms Arina, especially the overall deteriorating human rights situation in Jammu Kashmir. The delegation drew the attention of Miss Maria Arina towards the increasing incidents of human rights violations in Jammu Kashmir and towards the political victimization of Yasin Malik by the government of India.

According to the statement, Miss Arina gave a patient hearing to the points raised by the delegation, and while noting down some of the important points, she emphasized for the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue, and further elaborated the European Union’s positive role in preventing human rights violations around the globe.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson paid rich tributes to Gazanfar Janjua Shaheed, Zamrad Bukhari Shaheed and Irshad Kazmi Shaheed on their martyrdom anniversary. Hailing from Kotli, Azad Kashmir all the three martyrs achieved martyrdom on May 25, 1994 in Kupwara district of Indian held Jammu Kashmir. The spokesperson said that the eternal sacrifices of the Kashmiri people, especially of Kashmiri youth has now made the freedom of the state of Jammu Kashmir the destiny of the Kashmiris.