JKLF appeals int’l community to break its criminal silence over the continued human rights violations in the occupied State of J&K

SRINAGAR, Dec 10 (SABAH): On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) has called upon the international community to take notice of the serious violations of human rights in the state of Jammu and Kashmir by Indian forces and break its criminal silence.

In a statement issued from the party’s Central Information Office, the central spokesperson of the JKLF Muhammad Rafiq Dar, has expressed his strong condemnations on the continuous and systematic Indian state terrorism in JK and warned India that harassments,, extra-judicial killings, arrests of common people including top leaders, restrictions on political activities and abuse of women, can not deter the freedom-loving people of the state from the demand of just and peaceful resolution of national independence for which the people of the State have made unprecedented sacrifices.

The spokesman said that education, development, health, good governance, price hikes of basic commodities and non-availability of other basic facilities in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan are violations of basic human rights. He appealed people to make the ongoing rights movement a success.

According to the statement, the spokesman termed India’s inhumane and undemocratic treatment of top peaceful incarcerated political leaders like Muhammad Yasin Malik by India as deplorable and said that the criminal silence of the international community is surprising.

He appealed to the international human rights organizations including the United Nations and the international community to intervene immediately so that the precious lives of Kashmiri’s are saved, the prisoners are released, the atrocities committed by the one million Indian forces in the state are stopped and the rights of people in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan are restored.