J&K dispute is an internationally recognized dispute that must be resolved in accordance with the UNSC resolutions: Mumtaz Zahra Baloch

ISLAMABAD, Sep 01(SABAH): In response to media queries regarding the recent statement made on Jammu and Kashmir by India’s Minister for External Affairs, Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch has said that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute is an internationally recognized dispute that must be resolved in accordance with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people. Resolution of this unresolved conflict is pivotal to peace and stability in South Asia, she said.

In a statement issued on Sunday, FO Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that Pakistan unequivocally rejects any narrative that suggests that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute has been or can be settled unilaterally. Such claims are not only misleading but dangerously delusional, as they blatantly disregard the on-ground realities, she said. India’s unilateral actions in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) cannot and will not change this reality, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said.

She said that while Pakistan remains committed to diplomacy and dialogue, it will respond with unyielding resolve to any hostile actions. True peace and stability in South Asia can only be achieved through a settlement in accordance with UNSC resolutions and inalienable rights of the Kashmiri people, FO spokesperson said.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that Pakistan, therefore, calls on India to abandon its provocative rhetoric and baseless assertions about IIOJK, and to instead, engage in a meaningful dialogue for a just, peaceful, and lasting resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute and for durable peace in South Asia.