J&K Democratic Freedom Party appeals Kashmiris living all over the world to observe Indian ‘Republic Day’ as Black Day

SRINAGAR, Jan 24 (SABAH): Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DPF) has appealed to Kashmiris living all over the world to observe Indian “Republic Day” as Black Day.

According to a statement issued from Srinagar on Tuesday, the DFP spokesman while reiterating his party’s full support to APHC’s call for strike on has urged the Kashmiri masses to observe complete strike on 26 January to convey a message to the world that India’s unlawful and forcible occupation of their motherland was not acceptable to them. “The country that is grossly involved in death and destruction in Kashmir and holding millions of Kashmiris hostage at the gunpoint has no right whatsoever to observe Republic Day”, the DFP spokesman said adding that the whole world knows that India is a usurper that has always trampled Kashmiris’ aspirations and their democratic rights down under the jackboots besides keeping them under illegal military occupation for the last over 75 years.

The spokesman while condemning the duality of the Indian rulers said that on the one hand Indian leadership makes lofty claims of being a largest democracy while on the other hand they have deprived Kashmiris of their basic rights.

The spokesman also deplored the search operations and frisking of commuters by Indian army in Srinagar and other parts of the valley.

Terming Kashmiris’ struggle for right to self determination as a legitimate struggle he said, “Kashmiris who have offered matchless sacrifices during the past several decades would continue their struggle at all fronts unless they achieved their cherished goal of freedom from Indian occupation”, he added.