Jamaat-e-Islami, Alkhidmat Foundation leaving no stone unturned in ongoing relief activities across country for flood victims: Sirajul Haq

LAHORE, August 30 (SABAH): Emir Jamaat-e-Islami Sirajul Haq has said that Jamaat-e-Islami and Alkhidmat Foundation are leaving no stone unturned in relief activities for flood affected human beings across the length and breadth of the country.

He expressed these views central public affairs Islamic Lawyers Movement at Mansoorah on Tuesday. He said that Jamaat-e-Islami and Alkhidmat will keep continue providing relief till last moment.  He appealed to the lawyers, doctors, students and teachers of colleges and universities, members of chambers of commerce, business community, and all the privileged classes who remained safe from the devastation of heavy rains and floods to come forward to assist their brothers, sisters and children as it is a trial for them.

He said that the elderly, women and babies are lying under an open sky and are more exposed to epidemics, adding the people have no fodder for their livestock. Thousands of people were martyred and millions of houses were washed away and still countless are missing, he said.

Daily wagers have been rendered jobless due to continuous rains and suffering from hunger for many days, he deplored. The nation is suffering since the last seven decades due to sins committed of rulers, he said, and added even a single drop of water is a blessing of Almighty Allah but it has become an infliction upon the people as if the dames had been constructed in timely manner water valuing billions of rupees could be conserved and ultimately lives could be saved.

The meeting was also attended by Secretary General Jamaat-e-Islami Ameerul Azeem, President Islamic Lawyers Movement Towfiq Asif and others. The meeting took stock of Panama leaks issue, Pandora Box case and the situation erupted after the Federal Shariat Court declared verdict against the riba (interest).

Sirajul Haq said that there is dire need of enforcement of law in the country, and no one is above the law and the Constitution. Each and every Pakistani has the right to be dealt with the true spirit of justice and equality, he added.  

He appealed to the political leadership of the country to ignore their mutual grudges based on interests and come forward to help out the people affected by the heavy rains and floods as it is time to lower their burden. Victims say they have had not seen such destruction in their lives ever before, he explained.

The cattle which were a single source of income for the poor segments of the society were either killed during the floods or suffering from the shortage of fodder, he said. He said not even a single home could remain safe during the rains and floods and the helpless people are once and again asking for the assistance, especially tents.

Sirajul Haq said that the federal and the provincial governments are not fulfilling their responsibilities as was required and appealed to the nation to come forward to help out the floods victims. 

He appealed to the Prime Minister and chief ministers to supervise the relief activities as member of provincial and national assemblies were escaped from the affected areas.

He said that volunteers of Jamaat-e-Islami and Alkhidmat Foundation are present at each and every corner of the country for assistance of the victims and requested the philanthropists to take part in relief activities as much as they can.