It is our mission that no orphan child in Pakistan is left without assistance: Muhammad Abdul Shakoor

LAHORE, April 18 (SABAH): President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan and Chairman Pakistan Orphan Care Forum Muhammad Abdul Shakoor has said that it is our mission that no orphan child in Pakistan is left without assistance. Like other Muslim countries “Orphan Day” was observed in Pakistan with social enthusiasm and vigor.

In connection with the day, Pakistan Orphan Care Forum held different ceremonies in whole country. One of such splendid ceremony was held at a local hotel of Lahore.

President Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan and Chairman Pakistan Orphan Care Forum Muhammad Abdul Shakoor while addressing the ceremony said that the purpose of observing this day is to create awareness among the masses regarding looking after the orphan children and welfare of the orphan children. Muhammad Abdul Shakoor said that it is our mission that no orphan child remained unattended in Pakistan. He said that currently Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan is looking after 19,000 orphan children in Pakistan.

On the occasion President Orphan Care Forum Waqas Anjum Jaffery said that becoming support of any orphan child is a great blessing, adding that Alkhidmat Foundation and other relief organizations working for the orphan children are rendering great services.

Other participants also addressed the ceremony. During the ceremony the eidi and gifts were distributed among the orphan children.

The ceremony was attended by prominent columnists Sadullah Shah, President Alkhidmat Foundation Central Punjab Ikramul Haq Subhani, representatives of Alkhidmat Foundation, Ghazali, HHRD, Roshni Trust and other organizations working for the welfare of the orphan children and a large number of people hailing from different walks of life.

It is worth mentioning here that 15th Ramadaul Mubarak is observed as “Orphan Day” under the OIC in Muslim countries. The purpose of observing this day is to create awareness at collective level about the problems facing by the orphan children and also to create awareness about fulfilling these responsibilities. The Senate of Pakistan on 20th May, 2016 and National Assembly of Pakistan on 29th May, 2018 adopted unanimous resolutions regarding observing the “Orphan Day” in Pakistan on 15th Ramadanul Mubarak.